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I don't understand trading

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9 years ago
Nov 26, 2015, 3:42:04 AM
Hello guys. I'm fairly new to the game (I've reached turn 134 as Sophons but failed horribly due to every other rival faction declaring war against me) and so far I'm really loving the game.

The one thing I can never understand tho, is how trading is implemented. I don't see any trade routes, I don't know which planets are trading with which, I don't see the resources or set what resources to trade...

I'm having a hard time grasping the trading mechanism of the game. I really want to understand it since ever since I learned of space games I always wanted to make my own space trading empire.

Any help on this? Thanks! smiley: science
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9 years ago
Nov 30, 2015, 3:21:49 AM
Trading is automatic providing...

1. You must be at peace with a race (unless you are Amoeba).

2. You must have visited a system to trade with it.

Other trading facts:

Trading will give you research and dust.

You get two free trade routes on your home system.

There are two different buildings you can research and build to create additional trade routes.

Each system owned by a friendly opponent can be the target of only one of your trade routes.

The game will automatically select the most profitable routes if you have more routes than destinations.

When you establish a trade route, it only benefits you.
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