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[Discussion - Poll] Does ES Feel Empty?

I'm cold...and lonely...so empty
Maybe a tad
Doesn't matter to me
It's space, what do you expect?
Vote now
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 12:20:05 AM
Its totally not empty. I start a siege on the map, then i go and open up Starcraft 2 and play a match as the terran - thus simulating the battle, if i lose i retreat my forces only to come back another day. Cross-genre extreme-immersion
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 3:13:58 PM
VulpesWalker wrote:
I don't agree that this game feels empty at all... I'd like an option that actually disagrees to "agree" or "neutral" because I'm not either.

Cadoras wrote:
To emphasise my point:

1. "I'm cold" = full agreement

2. "A tad" = slight agreement

3. "Doesn't" = it is empty but I don't care (if you take it very liberaly it could say that the voter doesn't care either way)

4. "It's space" = agrees its empty, but states that's the purpose

It is very good to spawn debate about certain issues of the game, but you have to give the people that fully disagree a fair chance to make their point in the poll. In this case a good structure would have been:

1. Full agreement

2. Slight agreement

3. Slight disagreement

4. Full disagreement

5. Neutral (don't give a sh*t)

TheVulture98 wrote:
I love the way the poll options were designed so you agreed it was empty no matter what you say. Either that's a funny coincidence or this guy should work for a government.

I dont believe it is empty at all.

darkwing wrote:
I voted the "no, it doesn't feel empty" option. Or I would have if this poll weren't so terrible.

Obviously I wasn't feeling particularly smart that day while making that poll....so I remade it. And then I applied for a job with the government. It's here
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 2:25:19 PM
In my opinion ES graphic is pretty slick and that's very innovative and appropriate for a 4X game... to achieve that designers needed to remove all the clutter seen in other similar games and at the same time keep all the info the players need to know about what's going on in the game... Well i think they accomplished the mission.

That said I somewhat agree that the galaxy map is a tad empty... for lack of a better word.. What I would like to see is graphical representation of important information such as commercial routes, as someone already suggested, maybe with the possibility to opt them in and out through a few buttons in a corner. That would help to know some of the information you need at a glance without the need to browse the menus and you would still be able to play the 'naked' version of the game that someone likes...

Maybe we will get those in the beta or release version of the game..
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 1:40:00 PM
I voted the "no, it doesn't feel empty" option. Or I would have if this poll weren't so terrible.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 8:31:55 AM
I love the way the poll options were designed so you agreed it was empty no matter what you say. Either that's a funny coincidence or this guy should work for a government.

I dont believe it is empty at all.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 8:18:42 AM
Araithiel wrote:
One of them says you don't have an opinion and the other one says you're fine with it how it is or disagree. Least that's how I read it

To emphasise my point:

1. "I'm cold" = full agreement

2. "A tad" = slight agreement

3. "Doesn't" = it is empty but I don't care (if you take it very liberaly it could say that the voter doesn't care either way)

4. "It's space" = agrees its empty, but states that's the purpose

It is very good to spawn debate about certain issues of the game, but you have to give the people that fully disagree a fair chance to make their point in the poll. In this case a good structure would have been:

1. Full agreement

2. Slight agreement

3. Slight disagreement

4. Full disagreement

5. Neutral (don't give a sh*t)
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 6:34:37 AM
I'm simply not going to vote in a illegitimate poll that simply points to different points of one persons perspective and doesn't give any other option
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 5:11:54 AM
I don't agree that this game feels empty at all... I'd like an option that actually disagrees to "agree" or "neutral" because I'm not either.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 5:04:09 AM
I actually enjoy the relative sparseness. Too many games today focus waaay too heavily on screen engulfing explosions and psychedelic effects because their gameplay is shallow. Seeing a game that's more subdued in its presentation is refreshing and welcome. I believe the artwork, even in Alpha stage is STUNNING. The galaxy renderings in pseudo 3d and all those floaty bits rotating about ... fantastic! And don't forget the destroyed hulks of long forgotten battles drifting, decaying, dying in the background of the combat sequences. Brilliantly subtle.

That said, well, maybe it would be cool to see a couple of freighters pass in view now and then or robominers scurrying about on an asteroid ... but not too often. I like it sparse.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 12:57:11 AM
Cadoras wrote:
Your poll is bad. All the answers confirm your opinion, the only option voters have is to vote how much they care about it.

Don't get me wrong: I don't judge your opinion, but the basis of your poll is flawed, unless you like rhetorical questions.

More to the point: I do not fully agree (yet). Although your opinion is a tad harsh, the galaxy at the moment is somewhat

empty. But I think we can better determine the extend of the Void when the beta arrives.

One of them says you don't have an opinion and the other one says you're fine with it how it is or disagree. Least that's how I read it
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 12:23:31 AM
XD thats amazing!
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 1:51:33 PM
I don't know how you guys feel but while I'm playing ES it's like me and the music and that's about it. Now understandably, there's no multiplayer but I usually play these games on single anyways (also I live in the wonderful land of nowhere so my internet sucks) and I'm finding that there really isn't anything going on in ES. There's very few end of turn/start of turn notifications, enemy fleets are just a single giant ship that might come through every so often, pirates are grey and sometimes not even visible, and when I go to look at my planets, balls of dirt/ice/great balls of fire look back at me. It just seems to me like the whole place is empty. At least in games like Civ you have a world to look at with pretty trees and random barbarians running around. Here I spend about 65% of all time staring at black space...

Another example would be X3 which isn't exactly a turn based 4X game but it manages travelling through giant empty swathes of normally boring space by filling it with giant asteroids, space stations, and SHIPS! For such a massive place, space is full of ships in the future of X3. Wouldn't it be great in ES if I could see trade ships running along cosmic strings and would find random trading post space stations, as well as seeing fleets of ships as represented by FLEETS of ships, all packed on a small space? It's just getting really weird in my room at night when the whole place is dark and my normally bright computer screen is just as black as the room!

I'll put it to a vote...
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 10:39:10 PM
Your poll is bad. All the answers confirm your opinion, the only option voters have is to vote how much they care about it.

Don't get me wrong: I don't judge your opinion, but the basis of your poll is flawed, unless you like rhetorical questions.

More to the point: I do not fully agree (yet). Although your opinion is a tad harsh, the galaxy at the moment is somewhat

empty. But I think we can better determine the extend of the Void when the beta arrives.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 5:44:54 PM
I definitely agree with it lacking that immersive environment, I would expect more flesh to be put on the Alpha bones when it grows into it's Beta and beyond.

Definitely needs more interraction from the empire you control, possibly things like news events (we have some occasional galaxy wide ones, some more interior and over the fence news would be good too), choices/decision making events etc to keep things lively.

Other games of this 4x style have that in spades, I'd like to think and expect ES will have this with future incarnations pre and post release. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 5:20:21 PM
Yeah there's a lot going on about "is ES living enough" etc.

For me the atmosphere is something to worry about post-beta. First the concepts of the game should work imo.
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 5:20:20 PM
n18991c wrote:
I believe this has been discussed already here and there throughout the forum, but I agree that ES could do with a little more "activity" here and there in form of small ships warping around planets, orbits and systems etc... trade in particular would be nicer to watch if it were visible...

I would particularly prefer to see trade happening because it helps keep track of it so easily without having to go into a single menu. You can just see it
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 4:29:23 PM
I believe this has been discussed already here and there throughout the forum, but I agree that ES could do with a little more "activity" here and there in form of small ships warping around planets, orbits and systems etc... trade in particular would be nicer to watch if it were visible...
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 3:21:56 PM
more stuff going on would just be distracting at best and interfering with your ability to keep an eye on everything at worst.

more eye candy isn't a bad thing but only in moderation. I don't want my view filled by bright tumbling galaxies off in the distance, but some random stuff once in a while could be fun. as it is I kinda enjoy a more minimalistic view.
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