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Victory Illustrations

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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 1:16:52 PM
The art of Endless Space is of an exceptionally high standard and has been right from the beginning, but to that extent the loading screens and opening images leave the Victory Illustrations sometimes rather lackluster in their appearance. What is more, there is little variation between the factions when it comes to a specific type of victory. For Example: The Supremacy victory illustration for all factions I've played as has always been the faction leader standing in front of a large explosion, with the faction leader being the only thing to change between races.

Now, a giant explosion with a Sower (for example) standing in front of it doesn't quite gel with what the race stands for. So I started thinking, what illustration would? As such I've come up with a few examples of what might be more fitting and would introduce a little more variation between the victories of various races. (Okay, all of the examples I thought up are Supremacy victory ones, but I'm biased towards that XD)

Cravers: The Craver Hive leader, standing atop a muddy hill surrounded by a swarm of locusts, surveying the burning ruins of a city, reduced to nothing more than a wasteland. He holds a humanoid skull in his hand, starting to crush it under his powerful grip (Alas, poor Yoric... the Cravers ate him).

Hissho: The Hissho leader, leering at the screen holding a small visual of a galaxy in his clawed hand while the other holds a bloodied sword. Perhaps sitting on a throne of some kind.

Horatio: A non-Horatio city captured by their empire with images of Horatio Prime plastered everywhere on videoscreens, etc. The view is of a street with several Horatio walking down the center towards a large statue of Horatio Prime, the non-Horatio inhabitants of the city forced to walk in the shadows at the side of the road, not beautiful enough to warrant being seen. Separate facilities for the Horatio and the less beautiful, basically an alien apartheid.

Pilgrims: A collection of Pilgrims, mournful in victory, saddened by the necessary destruction of an opponent. Holding a ceremony for their defeated foes. They have gone the way of the Endless and though they were our enemy, we shall not forget them.

Sophons: Perhaps a group of Sophons standing around a disection table with a fallen enemy on it, a window behind them showing the creatures war-ravaged home planet. A computer screen showing information from scientific studies of an alien species' biology, with a large red mark translated to mean extinct stamped across the screen, a Sophon researcher moving to close the file for the last time.

Sowers: A deserted and ruined city, slowly being terraformed by Sowers ready for the Endless. Several Sowers flying around the area as various terrestrial and alien plant species are seen sprouting from the ruins of the city.

So, yeah, those are some of the things I've thought up, I'd like to hear opinions and ideas for the other victory illustrations. I'm not saying that any of these should necessarily be done, after all, these are the most important part of the game. However, it is fun to speculate on what we'd like to see smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 23, 2012, 5:56:45 PM
Science victory:

Craver: At long last scientists have cracked the Craver genome, and can now begin to live life without the need to locust worlds, pictures are showed with Cravers living on the remaining worlds in peace and pros parity, even living with the other races, showing finally a Craver lead united nations at the beginning of a new age.

Hissho: Finally now Hissho scientists have crafted a weapon of perfect war, a device that is able to destroy the very infrastructure of worlds, but without dishonorably killing or opponents people in a cowardly attack, pictures are showed of the device crumbling city's to dust, leaving the residents to either accept Hissho rule, or face the end of a blade, the galaxy is turned into a new stone ages as the Hissho take the role of galactic GODS!

Horatio: Finally the genetic cascade is complete, and soon the galaxy will be filled with Horatio, as people carry on their lives as normal they soon find the next generation is born as Horatio, all of them, even the xenos breed Horatio as an unfathomable result, only the machines and amoeba are un-affected, but soon they are un-able to breed at all.

The galaxy is Horatio, and it is beautiful.

Pilgrims: The pilgrims are shown to opening a portal, as they now posses the technology to jump straight to Tor, the home world of the mighty endless, as the citizens of the pilgrims fleets leave all known space, leaving the mongrels and aliens to fight amongst themselves.

Sophons: Normal science victory.

That's all I got.
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 12:07:09 PM
Generally we need better ending (imo at least). Was expecting something better than a bland screen with me and an explosion in the back. No fancy things are needed just a small video like the intro. It doesnt matter the type of victory just a finale according to the race.
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 2:49:33 PM
sr300 wrote:

He holds a humanoid skull in his hand, starting to crush it under his powerful grip (Alas, poor Yoric... the Cravers ate him).

And then he'll eat it.
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