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R&D Screen Interface Addition

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12 years ago
Dec 25, 2012, 3:21:34 AM
ES has one of the nicest UIs I have seen in a while. The UI makes it so easy to play. But, there is at least one spot where I think a beneficial change can be made. Please make some kind of safeguard so that one cannot accidentally re-set a research program. Many times I have set up a series of 5 or 8 techs to be researched in a certain order and then gone back to check it a few turns later. And then...Boom! I unthinkingly add a tech to be researched without holding down the Shift key and pfft! the entire research plan is eliminated, leaving only the last tech I just selected. So I have to laboriously recreate my plan. Adding something, perhaps a pop-up question asking if I really want to change my R&D, would be very beneficial. This is not an earth shaking item, just something that would be "ergonomically" pleasing and helpful.
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12 years ago
Dec 26, 2012, 1:38:53 AM
are you seriously?

not really necessary. keep an eye on and you will be fine. good part of this game !
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 2:27:56 AM
I think there could be an option for this could be click to turn off/on but i also think its not too hard to go w/out it, have yet to do what you mentioned but would be annoying

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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 6:51:41 AM
I think the best way is for the game to ask you with a pop up ONLY IF you have more than 1 item queued. Then it wouldn't annoy so much.
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12 years ago
Dec 28, 2012, 4:22:00 PM
I think a better option would be to allow for re-arranging of the research queue.

So like the build queue, any click adds to the back of the queue (maybe have a modifier key to push it to the front of the queue, or the inverse so the current feel remains, click to front of queue, shift click to back of queue). Then allow for drag and drop re-arranging, and have it scroll horizontally along the bottom, where it is now (but expand that area a bit imo). This way would make research exactly like production, it wouldn't be something new or different to get used to, it's just using the same mechanics and interface aspects that players are already familiar with and the consistency would help new players familiarise themselves faster.

My biggest issue isn't resetting the queue, but wanting to research something sooner and having to redo a 20+ queue just because my priorities changed a bit and something that was 12th I now want to be 3rd, or similar.
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