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Just some thoughts.

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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 11:07:26 PM
Just some thoughts.

Hi there, just subscribe some ideas.

From my point of view…

A border military buildup should dislike the IA players. That is one of the easiest way of address one of the main IA problem in this game as in many other. The absolute incapacity of IA realizing that you are about to attack her. Actually giving you the money to retrofit your own fleet the turn before it gets destroyed…

It could look you history of destroying empires, and if you actually have an enemy or are just building up to eliminate somebody.

When a world gets surrendered by other empire influence, it should be taken by that empire in a certain amounts of turns. A diplomatic conquers. Just like Sins of Solar Empire. This game can exploit this into personalization of faction (a fertile but not yet entirely exploited element of the game)

another idea to steal altogether is the pirate paid raids, and the timeout clock. Also works toward personalization of money-faction.

Defensive structures are desperately needed. They are a whole new thread of specialization. They should have, at least for some faction, a time cost base on your general empire, not just the system. This 3-dimensionalizies the entire map, making the chokepoint invaluable.

Get more the synergies from faction technologies more clear and accessible from the custom faction design page.

Another -easy to implement- function for the influence area is a building that makes

1º all ship travel slower-> update-> enemy ships travel slower. How didn’t thought about this?

Another thing that would be nice, and another way of making money, and for giving that sensation of “mi empire is cool” (that is why you are working here in the first place) is some sort of FIDS (thinking of dust, but this could also be made customized..) based on total area of influence.

Another thing I always thought about in this kind of games, but nobody does it, meaby is boring for everybody but my… It would be nice, to have some sort of construction on systems, that base on the length (how many planets involved) and shape (circle, line, box) gives you something in amount and type.

For example a web gives were everything is interconnected gives you FIDS, but a line, linked to an external world, like a spear, gives you an edge in influence in the enemy empire, in depth proportional to the line length.

This idea has several interesting elements. Is map depending, and creative, so makes every game different, and again very custom faction friendly.

Something like “interstellar highway” or some shit like that.

And more but let me know if all this interest somebody or is just crap.

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12 years ago
Feb 17, 2013, 11:12:52 PM
And how come you have some "kill ship-get stuff" ability. Important option if you are going to be on war all day long,

and no: "ship gets kill-something refound" ( or a acumulated stack somewere) so: don't worry for having a non updated, swarmish fleet. this would open other options..
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12 years ago
Feb 20, 2013, 10:39:01 AM
Aeoiffe wrote:
And how come you have some "kill ship-get stuff" ability. Important option if you are going to be on war all day long,

and no: "ship gets kill-something refound" ( or a acumulated stack somewere) so: don't worry for having a non updated, swarmish fleet. this would open other options..

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