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The imbalance between Hero's classes.

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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 12:21:30 AM
Well, i've read a lot of complaints about heroes not always being desirable, that some are way better than others due to what skills they can use. I admit i don't have that many games under my belt and never played in MP so i don't know just how powerful they can be. My guess though is that classes may not suit the playstyle or race players use thus make them undesirable.

One class i know why it is undesirable is the Corporate class. From what i know most of it's skills are boost to trade, not very useful if you are not trading or constantly at war (Cravers). That class should provide boost to income not related to trade with other players, that would make it much more useful.

Some players dislike the Adventurer class, but it's one class that has lots to offer regardless of what it is paired with as it has boost to both combat and system management.

Besides that, i don't know.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 1:33:44 AM
I would have to agree that there is an in-balance in hero classes to a certain point.

I believe that this is a result of the fact that some classes are "primary" in use and some are "secondary" in use.

Fore example: A primary skill would be Administrator, while a secondary skill would be pilot. Pilot generally is not as good as Admiral in my eyes, and thus is a "secondary" skill, a skill that should accompany a primary skill. This is why when I get a Corporate/Pilot, I will never hire that hero because he/she is under powered. However, when I get an Adventurer Admiral, I am overjoyed because he/she has two "primary" skill sets.

I do hope that I am making sense...

I.O. I think the in balance comes when a hero has two really good skill sets and another has two poor skill sets. I think that all heroes should come with a good skill set and a poor skill set.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 1:54:55 AM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
I.O. I think the in balance comes when a hero has two really good skill sets and another has two poor skill sets. I think that all heroes should come with a good skill set and a poor skill set.

There shouldn't be "poor" skills sets, all classes should be equally desirable, even if we don't use all the skills they have to offer. All classes should have skills that can have synergies with other classes so that even a corporate/pilot may still be useful as either fleet or system hero. Basically each class should receive a few extra skills/perks so regardless of how we want to use them, they are worth hiring.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 3:23:41 AM
Pilot is absolutely, hands down and without question, the most important hero battle class.

-10% accuracy, added to Offensive Modder and all that jingle, very, very easily outdoes Commander's skillset.

Without getting into how Gravity Well is beyond godlike.

Pilot and Administrator need a nerfbat, while Corporate and Adventurer need serious buffs.

Administrator, in particular, should either be pigeonholed into kickstarting new systems, or have that capability greatly reduced. It outruns corporate in both early and late game, since industry is always more important on your biggest systems.
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 9:18:52 AM
I think most folk only tend to use Administrator and Pilot, because they are the most powerful, and make the biggest difference... I have to admit, that I only tend to use them, unless they are not available, then I use alternatives. However, some games have strange distributions. My current game, I began (with no re-roll) with 3 Admins, one of which was a Admin/Pilot. So that gave me a good boost (a pity the galaxy was really bad distribution, but you can't have everything)!
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12 years ago
Mar 28, 2013, 11:09:57 PM
Aureon wrote:
Pilot is absolutely, hands down and without question, the most important hero battle class.

-10% accuracy, added to Offensive Modder and all that jingle, very, very easily outdoes Commander's skillset.

Without getting into how Gravity Well is beyond godlike.

Pilot and Administrator need a nerfbat, while Corporate and Adventurer need serious buffs.

Administrator, in particular, should either be pigeonholed into kickstarting new systems, or have that capability greatly reduced. It outruns corporate in both early and late game, since industry is always more important on your biggest systems.


Okay everyone! Just switch around the words pilot and commander and my post will make sense! Aureon's got it right.

The_Quasar wrote:
I think most folk only tend to use Administrator and Pilot, because they are the most powerful, and make the biggest difference... I have to admit, that I only tend to use them, unless they are not available, then I use alternatives. However, some games have strange distributions. My current game, I began (with no re-roll) with 3 Admins, one of which was a Admin/Pilot. So that gave me a good boost (a pity the galaxy was really bad distribution, but you can't have everything)!

Last Multiplayer game, I kid you not I drew 3 Admin/Pilot heroes immediately. How's that for a good draw?
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12 years ago
Mar 29, 2013, 1:09:37 AM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
Okay everyone! Just switch around the words pilot and commander and my post will make sense! Aureon's got it right.

That's a rather big bug if you ask me... Skills that should be for the commander used by the pilot... Like, Tactics, how come it's the pilot that use it! Someone swapped the skill sets...

Edit: and looking at the xml files, the skills the pilot has should have been the commander and vice versa...
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12 years ago
Mar 29, 2013, 1:38:49 AM
Aureon wrote:

Administrator, in particular, should either be pigeonholed into kickstarting new systems, or have that capability greatly reduced. It outruns corporate in both early and late game, since industry is always more important on your biggest systems.

don't overlook admins absurd food bonuses, you can literally make people with these guys
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12 years ago
Apr 4, 2013, 12:35:36 PM
I think the whole hero system need an overhaul, as it is currently boring and soul-less.

Seriously, who cares about their race, their backstory or their portrait?

All we do is check whether it is this or that class and pick the same traits, regardless of the hero itself.
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12 years ago
Apr 4, 2013, 1:19:55 PM
Danny wrote:
I think the whole hero system need an overhaul, as it is currently boring and soul-less.

Seriously, who cares about their race, their backstory or their portrait?

All we do is check whether it is this or that class and pick the same traits, regardless of the hero itself.

True. I also noticed that the backstory don't always match the attributes they set on each hero. Well, you can look at what i did in my Fair Fight mod, i did revamp the skills each class can have and when. Not sure if i succeeded in making them unique though, or if i managed to break the "i want pilot and admin heroes" mindset players currently have. But i did some ground work in that direction.
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12 years ago
Apr 4, 2013, 5:27:38 PM
There is an imbalance. I'd like some of the more powerful skills/bonuses to cost 2 or 3 upgrades. That's one way to nerf them.
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12 years ago
Apr 5, 2013, 1:33:31 PM
Nasarog wrote:
There is an imbalance. I'd like some of the more powerful skills/bonuses to cost 2 or 3 upgrades. That's one way to nerf them.

Some of the skills are just too good. Like having flat bonus to Food, Industry, Research, Money and Approval; they make any system worthwhile regardless of how bad they are. Those skills also give a large boost in the early stage of the game, where you spread like mad...
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12 years ago
Apr 5, 2013, 9:27:55 PM
Foraven wrote:
Some of the skills are just too good. Like having flat bonus to Food, Industry, Research, Money and Approval; they make any system worthwhile regardless of how bad they are. Those skills also give a large boost in the early stage of the game, where you spread like mad...
Yup. If those skilled cost 2 or 3 upgrade points, that would be an easy level control until something better can be figured out.
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