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SAVE THE SOWERS suggestions overview/sum up

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12 years ago
Mar 25, 2013, 1:27:16 PM

This is for you Devs

Greetings my Friends.

I created this Thread to make a overview/sum up of our Suggestion for SAVING THE SOWERS!

During the Last weak many statements and thoughts were posted and i can imagine that it is quite hard for us and of course the Devs to overlook them all.

For that reason this Thread was made.

I keeped my eyes wide Open and noted the suggestion which were made in our Group or in the Petition Thread and i will post now a summary of it.

I will post the Username who made the Suggestion and hyplerlink to the post where he made it. (Just Click on the specific username)

If u also created a mod for testing purposes i also will edit this post and add the download link

All this suggestion will be send in your officaly petition letter which will be send at approx wensday night to the Devs.

Also u can of course still post here futher suggestion i then will add your name to the List and direct link it to your post.

Or also if i forgot somone and his suggestion just wrote me i will add you at my earliest convenience.

The list of suggestion witch will be a kind of attachment to our offical petition letter will be huge and this Thread shall be a good possibility to also gives the

a good overlook of which suggestion are liked the most.

So if you like one particular Suggestion dont be shy just say it!

if u like more then one suggestion made by different people just say it.

iam sure the devs will read attentionly this thread and so they can use it to oriented it and benefit from the great experience from us Sower Players.

Okay guys have a nice week and never forgot

The Endless will return!

Here the Suggestions i recorded so far i will update the list so often as i can.

If i forgot someone or u wished to be removed or changed just give me a holler.

Suggstions: Just click on username to get directly to their post.












Suggestion for default race only:



Comments Summ up:see this like a kind of multiple choice.

Just say a word and i add your name or changed your position.

Of course not every suggestion was concret and more abstract or just a statement that you are supporting our cause.

So i listed also up this statements in some categories just that u can get an overlook which weaknesses of the sowers where mentioned the most.

Affinity and lack of Food: LordBayush, Stealth Hawl, Sovereign, KingJohnVI(VIP), Vypuero , LordReynolds , Phesoph , HumanSpacer, Ca_Putt, EpicFroob42, Rakshae, Sovereign, Igncom1

Planetexplotations/System improvments: PANCZASU , Sovereign, Tainted ,Stealth_Hawk

Approval: The_Quasar Ail , LordBayushi , Tridus, Droom, Sovereign, Ca_Putt, Brazilian_Joe

Income: Ail(VIP) , LordReynolds , Tainted

Terraforming: N-Blackmore , LordBayush , ColonelBogey , Tainted , The_Quasar , Nosferatiel

Lack of Trait Points: Vicarious ,Digitalhawk96, Ca_Putt

Tolerant: Ail(VIP) , LordBayushi , LordReynolds, Tridus, Romeo , Phesoph , Vicarious , PANCZASU , Droom, Spook, Dementophobic, Sovereign, Igncom1, Ca_Putt, Elsewhere, Brazilian_Joe

Science : N-Blackmore

affinity and lore disparity : Nosferatiel, Sovereign, ColonelBogey

Common statements without specifics:

Foraven , Ca_Putt , Mitchell , Digitalhawk96 , Rhisthel , IamPr1celess , PANCZASU, flannicus90,

,Rakshae , Gameslayer989 , Troodon , 64wes64 , fall0fdark , Crusher122, vahouth , Tredecim , Omnidimension, stasik28 , n18991c,

Lord_S, RalleX1975 , EpicFroob42, Tainted , Nasarog
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12 years ago
Mar 25, 2013, 1:37:20 PM
Hello my mechanic Friends ; )

This mod is my suggestion how we could save the Sowers. And to give you and the Devs the possibility to check them out Ingame.

I picked up some of my ideas and also some ideas and suggestion of others, as also trying to consider some of all the post you already made.

The idea of the Sowers and their affinity is a good one as it trys to simulate that they are machines without the need of Food.

Sadly it also sounds great in Theory but in practical game they suffer a huge lack.

I was trying with my mod to keep and improve the unique gamestyle of the Sowers which allows you to ingnore Food buildings at all what is the big and good contrast to the gameplay of all the other races.

The most races got their very personal attitude for the Sophons it is Science, for the United Empire Dust, for the Cravers being Locusts and War for the Hissho.

I tryed to make the Sowers good in that thing they are actually supossed to be good

in Industrie and Colonisation

without being inferior or suffering for doing so!

I was testing the whole two last nights with different variations of my mod with a static seed galaxy on Endless difficutly with the Default Sowers to compare them to the Default Sophons, Cravers, and United Empire. On the same settings i tryed also from Multiplayer some Custom Race Builds of the Sowers as well also Custom Cravers, Sophons, UE.

The result was quite satisfying cause i didnt got the feeling what normaly have whilst playing sowers... being inferior...having a extra hard time.

I managed to be with the Sowers in one line in comparison to the from me played other races

only swith the Sophons i still achieved a realy noticable but not anymore gigantic higher Score.

I looking forward for feedback

and i would be honoered if some of u donload it and test the mod too.

it would be great if you like my ideas which i bring up with this mod cause

iam thinking this could be a possible save the sowers.

PS: i also posted a comment under each change to explain why i think they are appropriate

So lets keep on working for the Movement.

Cause one thing is sure

The Endless one day will return and the entire Galaxy must be pacified for them.

That is our holy Mission!

Link to download the mod "Saved_Sowers+" : http://www.mediafire.com/?9yld12deq023ued

And also here the variation with just 55% Industrie to food mod "Saved_Sowers":


HOW to install:

Ar First:

Go to

Users/Username/Documents/Endless Space

Create a new folder called modding

unzip the file archiv into it.


go to steam library,

right click on endless space,

click properties,

click launch option,


+ mod mod_name

Example for my mod

paste words inside brackets

(+mod Saved_Sowers+ )



60% smiley: industry is added to smiley: food

-70% :foodsmiley: ohhn System








(1/2) -75% FDS on System.

[Editaftersomefurthertestingiwouldratherrecommenda-50%FDScause-75%FoodisjusttocripplingfornoneSoweraffinitysoramassivecostreductionfrom(1/2)ofTolerantinTermsofRaceTraitpoints.] [/B]

(2/2) -25% FDS on System.

(i think the other faction can also benefit now from the tolerant trait cause they can now build fast their good Food buildings, but the Sowers benefits the most from the 100% gain Industrie and suffer the less from the Food penalty which provides a special relation ship between this Trait and the Sower affinity)

System Improvments:

Special Sowerspecific Heavy Isotope Refineries

i added

+1smiley: industry per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Water

+1smiley: industry per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: on Terran

(this will make the other T1 planets more valuable for Sowers and we all now that T1 planets are the important suff in the early game,

especially if u dont want too pick tolerant.) Also this way u havent got that bad Industrie (and so also Food) penalty if u terraform a Planet to a Water or Terran World which is actually their Lore

Extreme Infrastructure:

i added

+10% smiley: industry on system.

(now this Improvment is finally almost comparable to the unique Sophons or Horatio Improvment)

Inorganic Cultivation

i added:

+ 10 smiley: approval (just only 10 not per moon)







Minor Changes:


Exotic Thermodynamics

i removed:

The need of Adamantian to terraform into Tundra.

(not realy a boost, important nor a big deal but it is Lore Friendly and a nice gimmick)

(Sowers get earlier access to the Technology which unlocks Tundra Terraforming...however it requires at the moment Adamatian to utilize it which makes bumping its priority in the tech tree near useless. By the time Adamatian is gotten, the sowers could have already reached tundra terraform without it being bumped up.)

Race Trait Points:

I changed:

Now the Sowers got 65 Race traits points instead of 60 which already almost every other race have.

(also not that important nor a big deal but i see this more like as a matter of course then a real boost)

With best regards


Let us move mountains and mount movements.
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11 years ago
Apr 25, 2013, 6:07:17 AM
I think the best tech 1 Planet for Sower and other Industry focusing faction must be Jungle.

The problem with Sower Starsystem Improvements is they dont give or give too little Ind bonus to Jungle.

My view about Sower playstyle is they focus on colonize + terraforming soon, and they will use the Terraforming is the main solution for lacking of Dust, Science, and Approvan, not like other race focus on pop rush or something.

Best concept for Sower are

-Easily colonize and expand with Trait Tolerance.

-Industry Planet Exloitation make better imprvment building.

-Terraform fast and soon.

-Build massive in quantity but with decent quality fleet.

-Bad Science and Dust, and they have to use Dust, Science Conversion to balance things, it will be very fit, because they build improvement very fast, but they need Science for next improvement, and Dust for maintain, the time you wait until unlock new improvement surely you will have to use Conversion.

-Strong in Production out put compare to other faction.

With my calculation, to solve the problem about ending Terran and Jungle production, I see Sower need atleast +30% production bonus, and the Jungle need atleast +3 Industry per Pop. If not, the late game their Production cant compare with other factions strong in Production like UE, Automaton and Horatio.

What the advantages of other factions eco at late game ?

-UE with 60% production will be a boss endgame in anyway.

-Automaton with their Affinity and Superior Terran make them a formidable Industry Focus Faction.

-Horatio with their Food Trait, bigger Pop and high number of Heroes make them strong in any eco comparision.

-Amoeba superior Dust give them a blessing in "buy them all" style.

The Sower, need their old, solid strong: Production superior by Star System Improvement

==> they need more and strong Starsystem Improvements.
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11 years ago
May 13, 2013, 4:53:04 PM
I would suggest adapting the Faction Traits a little more to the affinity, like:

Sower Affinity


N-way Fusion Plants

Tolerant 2

Optimistic 2

Mineral Rich

Optimal Structure 2

Micromanagers 2

Dust Impaired 2

Sloppy Sawbones 2

Spendthrifts 2

The idea is to give them a different gameplay than the other factions(less focus on heroes), speeding up their early game and still giving them a little something for the mid and late game.

You don't ever focus on food and also not on Terran or Ocean planets. Optimistic 2 allows you to go for Dessert, Tundra and Lava immediately. You build Heavy Isotope Refinery and Industry exploitation and perhaps Interplanetary network first and then go for Food, Science and whatever else.

I think that the affinity itsself is just fine, but the Faction Traits do not work together well.

Tolerant allows the sowers to get Lava, Dessert, Gas Giants, Asteroids early on and therefore gives them access to any system. When you colonize a system early on, you generally need a planet with medium Food and medium Industry, otherwise the initial improvements and the exploitation take too long or the colony would starve. With the sower affinity, you don't rely on food at all when starting a colony. It is enough to have a high Industry value that generates a low amount of food. Of course the colony growth is behind other factions, but don't relying on food means you can focus your early improvements fully on Industry and do not waste turns waiting for Food improvements to build. Once you got your Industry up and running, you can build Food Improvements within 1 or 2 turns. The problem in my opinion is, that Slow Travelers is just too much a hit in the early game and Metallic waters yield Approval which sowers don't need.

Xenobotany is just there for consistency reasons(tundra starting planet)

Mineral Rich and N-way fusion plants give the starting system enough power to quickly build Heavy Isotope Refinery and colony ships.

Tolerant and Optimistic allows to go for planets that are good for sowers right at the start(Dessert, Tundra, Lava, Gas Giants).

Optimal structure gives them a bonus for early on skirmishes and a bonus for late game.

Micromanagers, Sloppy Sawbones and Dust impaired is a consistent combination to buy the above traits. Sure it hurts, but it puts the sower faction more separate from the others and it's still totally playable.

Spendthrifts is a bit of a pain, but it is the only thing that makes sense without hurting even more.

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