So I had an idea after being involved in a few conversations about research, certain techs, and so forth. The problem many found was the initial research was weak compared to later research, which makes sense to me anyways. The problem that arises is that, as in most games with research, once you get the science machine going you will research everything before you even reach a decent mid-game (at least with the AI). I have always found the scientific victory or wonder victory the easiest to reach compared to economic and diplomatic because of the speed and ease of constant research.

The problem I always find is we do not get as much time to enjoy some benefits before going beyond. I wouldn't mind a nice period of just destroyer vs. destroyer conflict, but normally by the time you research destroyers the cruiser is not far away.

So what I propose is that the tech tree is revamped. I don't mean throwing away tech, but shifting them. What I really propose would be to have choke point tech. These tech have a higher research cost and they slow the tech race down. Considering that the military tech does this with either individual tech having to be researched or the placement of the "stealth construction/ship hp" tech. This doesn't happen for the the rest of the technology arms. If a few choke point techs were placed I bet many of the complaints of tech either being overpowered or not would drop away as it takes longer to reach them and they would have a greater purpose to unlock those high point techs.



P.S. I was also wondering why some faction specific tech doesn't do anything special. Case in point the UE research tree has all military ships under special tech, but their placement, especially for the destroyer, are not closer or more beneficial. I am mainly talking about the placement of the destroyer, cruiser, battleship, dreadnought for UE. It doesn't change locations compared to regular tech trees for other factions.