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Allied Fleets: Adding to Fleet battles

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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 8:46:37 PM
Not sure if this has been discussed at all, but anyways...

If you and an allied fleet are in the same system, whether invading/defending, I wonder if the allied fleet could aid your battles in someway? Even if it is purely for the visual in the space combat section. Maybe providing support roles without engaging in the actual battle itself?

Not entirely sure, but would be cool if allied fleets (generally the "good" aligned races rely on cooperation rather than the stronger "evil" races rely on their own might) could aid in repelling a fleet or invading.

Or this might quicken combat turns by taking the allied forces share the same combat turn?

Not too sure... but maybe an idea to throw around?
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11 years ago
Jul 7, 2013, 11:12:35 PM
I reference this allot when the subject of Allied fleet support comes up, so I'll do it again lol

Notice in the scene how, even though the camera is focusing on a certain group of ships that are engaging one another, there are the other ships of both sides still in the scene.

It would be great if in ES during a fight, you could see all (or a certain amount) of your and your enemies fleets roaming in the background, travelling, bombarding, etc.

The drawback to this is that the vertices count of the new scene would have to be reduced by making the background ships low-poly. This may or may not pose an issue in that the viewer might be able to see the lack of mesh detail (Not likely due to the amount of detail that can be added with UVs/UVWs.)

Just put that last part in because that is always the counter-argument smiley: stickouttongue

But it would be nice if you could have Allied fleets participate (in a limited fashion) in battles. But as for the game mechanics of this idea, I am completely lost.
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11 years ago
Jul 8, 2013, 9:45:36 PM
I have to say I totally agree with this. Think this would be a great addition. The only concern is getting these large stacks of fleets moving around, so maybe you'd limit it to two or three fleets per side. Would you need a balancing feature? Not sure. Maybe the whole point is that if you prepare well enough you come up trumps and outnumber the enemy. Could potentially offset with new battle cards for fighting a desperate defence or an aggressive last assault etc.
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