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make something with BALANCE HOME SYSTEM

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11 years ago
Jul 10, 2013, 12:41:55 PM
Is possibility add option in Galaxy Generator to GENERATE Balanced HOME SYSTEM for all players ?

Now is totally RANDOM!!

For one player home system got FACTION HOME PLANET + 2 asteroids, and else player have FACTION HOME PLANET + 5 additional huge planets like 1 x Terran 2 Tundra 2 Arid or (2 oceanic) inside!

Is more ways to resolve this problem like:

1. Option in galaxy generator : optimal HOME SYSTEM (all players got better planets in home system)

2. Add Faction trait like OPTIMAL SYSTEM [planettype] with guaranteed optimal planets in home system (like HEADHUNTER traits) ?

Any suggestions and ideas?

I try find mod to this but find nothing worth ;/
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11 years ago
Jul 10, 2013, 1:21:04 PM
The home system is already catered for as a special case in the galaxy generator - it's supposed to generate a system where the rest of the planets are poor (presumably to explain why you're going out and colonising rather than taking the planet next to you) but obviously it's still allowed a bit too much lee-way in what it does.

To be fair though, the whole galaxy generator needs a major balance pass (starting constellation needs a lot more options to prevent "6-system-all-with-T1/T2" vs "5-system-but-3-of-them-are-T3-and-above", which is never going to lead to a fair game). I think the fact it requires actual coding rather than just tweaking XML has reduced the number of mods in this area.
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