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Weapon Tech Levels too powerful

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11 years ago
Jul 12, 2013, 9:01:11 AM
What i have experienced now after a couple of games in Disharmony is that the Weapon Tech levels are way too powerfull.

Taking the Missle tech for example the damage for one module scales from (when i remember correctly) 150 LV1 to 600 LV2 to 900 LV3.

This is a vast increase in Firepower while the tonnage usage for one module remains the same. What i have seen in game is that one weapon tech level ahead leads to an unmitigateable advantage in combat forcing every faction to instantly swap over to research the tech themself or even worse the countering defense and armor modules.

I can imagine that this massive damage increase is meant to counter the also excessive increase in Hit Points provided by higher tier armor modules but this arms race is in my opinion really killing the game fun.

In one game i focused on melee kinetics and heavy armored ships (in order to survive until melee phase) which worked quite good in the first place. But as soon as the enemy researched LV2 Missles the damage scaled up the factor 4 and all my ships which were former performing very well got blasted in Long Range phase by only one missle volley.

While it is clear that military tech advantage should provide a significant bonus to combat effectiveness i doubt that it is a good concept than only one research level turns a battle from a loss into a victory where the former outgunned fleet suddenly blasts the former superior enemy fleet without taking a scratch.

The effect is also present with Beams and Kinetics but it is most annoying with missles cause their damage scales so vast and they utilize it fully in the first battle phase.

Moreover this is also a reason why fighters and bombers are so useless rigth now. The battle is already desiced before they even can take their first shot.

My proposals would be:

1. Reduce the damage output for each tech level and introduce more levels instead

2. Increase the tonnage usage for higher tech levels.

3. Dont always increase the damage for a module but add usefull side effects like "reduction of defense effectivenes" (ECCM missles) etc.

4. Make some weapons (i.e. powerfull missles) only useable on big ships to increase the useability of those ships.

Honestly...3 levels of weapon tech is simply not enough this is defenitely a lack of game depth!!

What i understood is that the Disharmony expansion was indeed meant to be kind of combat focused and this is extremely disappointing.
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11 years ago
Jul 12, 2013, 2:26:33 PM
strange, I've actually experience the exact opposite

once I start stacking +hp modules on my 1cp ships, it becomes pretty impossible to kill them even with t3 missiles etc. At about 3k hp+ on each ship they become nigh unkillable without massive hero bonuses, though I haven't tested whether the new bombers or fighters are able to deal significant damage ( or different formation attacks )
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