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Combat at my own Outpost not possible WTF

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11 years ago
Nov 30, 2013, 7:42:55 PM

I wonder if this was a design decision or just an oversight.

I have an outpost, but from one side a control zone or whatever it is called (the colored area around a planet) from an AI is touching it. It was like this when I colonized it as well. Now from the other side comes another AI with a fleet and starts to invade my outpost (which I btw consider horribly stupid as well, invading an outpost is an act of war in my book). I am at Cold War with both the AIs.

so now the turn timer for invasion is at a happy 5 turns for the AI, and my battle fleet that is stationed at the same planet (and stuck there I might add) CANNOT attack the fleet, because when mousing over the attack button I get some mumbo-jumbo about enemy territory and shit-what-not.

This whole business with fleets at planets blocking each other is a load of crap. There isn't even a move order or turn sequence, so if I click fast enough I can get my fleet that is stuck at another planet to move, if I am too slow the enemy moves another pisspot ship in and I am stuck again.

but that situation with the enemy invading without me being able to do something about it AT MY OWN SYSTEM takes the biscuit.

good day!

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11 years ago
Nov 30, 2013, 8:20:33 PM
Design decision, I believe.

This is why influence is important beyond just Dust/Science output. Its also why I shy away from colonizing too close to an enemy border, and why its generally not a good idea to colonize in/bordering on another empire's influence.

But if the system is too good to pass up (or the last uncolonized or whatever) just treat it like a nation irl would, and station a powerful fleet there immediately, then have it guard the system so no invasion fleets can start invading. This works allot better than moving in your fleets after the invasion starts. lol (you have to be guarding the system in order for this to work, though)

As far as your options for fixing your plight are concerned, I would start researching defensive techs that won't take >5 turns to research+build (a long shot) or start building influence improvements on other colonies nearby in the hopes that you can get that system in your influence in time.

Alternatively, declare war on the AI with the influence and you will be allowed to clear the fleet. ofc, you might get steamrolled by an angry AI if they are too powerful, but some things are worth the risk.

Hope that helps a little bit.
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