EDIT: Wrong forum, I'll create this thread in EL GamesTogether forum.

Perhaps I'm missing something but you often end up with many resources ready to be activated and, more importantly, hundreds of stockpiles.

I can understand that you don't want them to apply automatically (you may not yet have any trade roots so you save this bonus to trade luxury resources). But more often than not I'd like to instantly spend all this gold, spices and so on before I build the next city so that bonus applies for a longer time. And when as Cultist I destroy several cities and get 100 Science stockpile I don't want to click stockpile then "yes" in "are you sure?" popup. I want to use it all. Right now I can't imagine anyone micromanaging all those stockpiles. You just sell them, especially in MP.

So there should be a way to use all. Perhaps there is and I just can't find it cause I'm surprised that stockpiles system is shipped without it. Something like Shift+Click should use all stockpiles/luxury resources, maybe with additional button "Activate all you can" for luxury resources.