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About Trade Routes...

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10 years ago
Nov 21, 2014, 10:23:07 PM
I notice that despite being an awesome game, we don't have the opportunity to do trade with our own solar systems we have colonized but instead with opposite Empires. This is a big let down on a 4 x genre.

In Sid Meier's Civilization specially beyond earth (and possibly, with other 4x genre) we have trade vehicles, and trade vessels, you can trade with stations, your neighbors and your cities. You select him, select what place you want to trade or who gives more doubling the potential between the cities, and a limit of turns of about 30 turns, after that, we revoke the trajectory or continue with same for, anyway, more 30 turns.

Trading with our other systems could increase production of dust, food industry, science and other stuff between our own systems, If you prefer not to do business with an empire, after all, you always run the risk of being declared war and lose everything, while at the same time players have something to shoot at (oh those poor trade ships). Trading with our self claimed systems would be awesome, but i believe no cares? What is on your mind?? smiley: traderoute = smiley: fids

(P.S - Or could we do, and i am being dumb here??)
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10 years ago
Nov 22, 2014, 3:22:47 AM
I like trade in Endless Space. It's simple, automatic, and doesn't slow the game down at all. Sure there are games that do trade "better," but it's at the cost of time. I can play a game of Endless Space in a couple of sittings. My friend and I, with whom I play co-op, have played over 50 games of Disharmony and many games of vanilla before that. The game plays fast, it's fun, and we can finish games in a reasonable amount of time.

When people ask for more complicated this or that for ES, it isn't that they are bad ideas. However, it's they likely that they are not good ideas for this game.

There are plenty of 4x games that offer an epic experience with lots of detail and micromanagement. I am grateful that Endless Space is not one of those games.
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10 years ago
Jan 9, 2015, 5:26:26 AM
Would be nice if the EL trade system was used (i.e. between ones own systems). If it is in the game, I haven't seen it.

Automation is key though. Going into micro on it would be... :/

I wouldn't mind a system as used in one of the MOO games.

There you build Freighters (a generic resource you build and place in an imperial pool), these were then used to move food and colonist around between systems (so new colonies didn't starve and could get more population faster, which makes sense).

If you had something simple like that around, pirates and privateers would be able to disrupt these (and any trade route they represent), thus generating revenue for the pirate faction or their controller.

Pirates in the game now operate more like a rebel fleet it seems (instead of wanting to enjoy their booty/slaves/shiny things and stay away from imperial ships)
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10 years ago
Feb 24, 2015, 1:00:53 AM
I must add I tried adding Cargo Modules to make my own freighters. The Idea was simply that any planet with a cargo ship in orbit would have increase happiness (approval) and an economic bonus (dust) depending on the population. I could never get it to work as I couldn't make it work with the ship build template. It might be limited to the population 1 population gets one cargo module bonus etc. You could build huge ones with many modules or small ships that are more expendable.

This system would keep trade simple but have the other advantage of making those outside colony world's more pissed off when a pirate shows up and blows the cargo ships supplying them with their goods from home out of the sky. It makes another way of dealing with strikes through bribery.

Although in the code below I just added approval and a trade route. The reason it didn't work I think is I didn't know how to enter the system it was modifying.


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