
I don't know if the game is still being updated but anyway since there's an Endless 2 on the go I guess this could be useful.

So I have a few suggestions about the UI, here they are :

1- System group

I think it would be awsome to be able to group systems into empire view (that's how I call the menu with tax rate slider). Currently, there's only one list, listing every system. Even if we can order systems in various ways or rename them, it's a bit tedious when you have to find a given system in this huge list. A great solution would be to be able to create custom tabs. In each tab the player could add any system he wants. For instance, that would be very handy if you have 2 or 3 front on going, and you want to easily regroup every industry system of each front together so you don't waste a lot of time looking for each industry system on the star map.

2- Build All command

An other very handy tweak, which synergises very well with the 1st one, would be to be able to call a "build all" order from empire view. That way if you unclock an upgrade that you want to build on every system (or on every system of a given system group !), you can do it easily with 2 click instead of going trough a list of 20, 30 or maybe more systems. Same would go with ships, if you want to spam a given ship type, then it would be easier to be able to queue it in every industry system just by clicking once.

If you include this please also let us choose if we want to queue the building at the top or the bottom of the queue !

Bonus : you could also add a terraform all to [insertplanettype] button in system view and empire view, as well as a convert all planetary infrastructure to [insertplanetaryinfrastructuretype]

That's all. I've never made any game and I have no idea on how hard it is to make those few tweaks, but imo it would greatly reduce the tedious micromanagement (as rallypoint already did) and save more time to spent on action and strategy. If you have any constructive improvements or ciritics please let me know, ideas are made to be improved. Also, I'm a native French speaker and I'm not really confident about my English, so if there's something you don't understand don't hesitate to tell me, I'll try to explain it to you in other way or in French if you are French smiley: wink
