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[Suggestion] Empire's capital

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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:14:18 PM
I'm not sure if someone suggest it before. At least i didn't find it.

I'd like to see main (starter) planet as a real capital of your Empire. Not just planet with picture of crown on it.

What about some buildings that can be placed only on this planet. Something like ministries that have an influence on every planet of your Empire. For example, Ministry of Propaganda raise approval by +5 on every one planet. Maybe these ministries could be upgradable. Ministry with 1st level change approval for +1, 2nd level - +5, 3rd level - +20. Same story with ministries of industry, science etc.

Loosing of capital planet must affect on whole empire. Maybe decreasing of total approval by -20 will help? And of course you have to rebuild all empire's building in new capital. Again. It will be a good reason to fight for your capital until death smiley: smile

What do you think?

Oh, and of course the capital has to hold some upgradable defensive buildings, i think, to make it harder to conquer.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:20:02 PM
As a rider to this suggestion, I'd be interested in proximity effects for your stellar capital; not sure what exactly, but for example influence/happiness bonuses that decay the further you get from the capital, etc. If such an effect were to be included, it's be important to be able to move one's capital.

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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:30:43 PM
I support this idea, espically if we line it up with govenment types.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:39:35 PM
AgnusDei wrote:
I'm not sure if someone suggest it before. At least i didn't find it.

What about some buildings that can be placed only on this planet. Something like ministries that have an influence on every planet of your Empire. For example, Ministry of Propaganda raise approval by +5 on every one planet. Maybe these ministries could be upgradable. Ministry with 1st level change approval for +1, 2nd level - +5, 3rd level - +20. Same story with ministries of industry, science etc.

The idea of buildings that can only be constructed in a Capital or Homeworld system are quite appealing. Possibly each Homeworld could start with a central palace of sorts, which could then be added on to by annexes.

One thing that I do enjoy about Endless Space is that the buildings are not simply "Hydroponics Farms I, Hydroponics Farms II, Hydroponics Farms III." This does a great deal to enhance the atmosphere of the game and differentiate Endless Space from some of its predecessors. If annexes are added to buildings (really just buildings that require other ones as prerequisites) then care must be taken to avoid the problem of simple numerical increases and linear iterations.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 8:49:23 PM
mabelair wrote:
As a rider to this suggestion, I'd be interested in proximity effects for your stellar capital; not sure what exactly, but for example influence/happiness bonuses that decay the further you get from the capital, etc. If such an effect were to be included, it's be important to be able to move one's capital.


I like the idea of a few capital-only buildings. Perhaps one unique building per race which gives a themed bonus.

Not sure about the distance-to-capital thing though, this has been used in a number of other games e.g recent versions of CiV, usually as a means of countering 'city spam' (in this case it would be system spam). I see it as a last resort, rather heavy-handed balancing tool, best avoided if possible.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 9:11:31 PM
I really like this idea. Especially if you could see this palace of yours, I remember an early civ game having a palace screen that upgraded as your tech did. It would also be great to see individual palaces per race, though that is a lot of work.

That is just my interest in the aesthetics, but I agree with the proposed use of the palace, giving an overall advantage to your empire in one way or another. As Igncom1 suggested we could line it up with government types somehow, here is a recent thread on proposed racial leaders.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:40:29 PM
Maclardal wrote:
I really like this idea. Especially if you could see this palace of yours, I remember an early civ game having a palace screen that upgraded as your tech did. It would also be great to see individual palaces per race, though that is a lot of work.

That is just my interest in the aesthetics, but I agree with the proposed use of the palace, giving an overall advantage to your empire in one way or another. As Igncom1 suggested we could line it up with government types somehow, here is a recent thread on proposed racial leaders.

Seconded, I'd really like to feel more of a connection to "running" my empire besides building structures in faraway colonies. I'd love to see more of what is happening back at home.

I would to be able to see as your empire expanded, representatives from each system would be present at your senate/throne room/hive, as would the centre of government expand itself.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 10:53:39 PM
I think home systems are fine how they are, except that I would make them of standard value. I is really annoying when you start on a small home system. It wouldn't be hard to make the home system's composition part of an empire's stats, GC2 did that.

I like having my home system be just another system, except that you can win by taking all of them, but I would be open to a palace structure that you would ether start with or build that would give bonuses to your home system, but that you can't build anywhere else and that would be destroyed when another empire takes it.

I think that having a distance to palace bonus or penalty is a bad idea. It would require being able to move your home system, which is something that I don't want. I like being able to have a sprawling empire.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 12:33:37 AM
Zougkla wrote:
I think that having a distance to palace bonus or penalty is a bad idea. It would require being able to move your home system, which is something that I don't want. I like being able to have a sprawling empire.

Most games do this to prevent a player from blockading enemy systems by colonising in chokepoints.

I think any system that does not have a connection to the homword (Directly or through other colonys) should recive oppinion negitives.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 1:21:51 AM
Zougkla wrote:
I think home systems are fine how they are, except that I would make them of standard value. I is really annoying when you start on a small home system. It wouldn't be hard to make the home system's composition part of an empire's stats, GC2 did that.

I like having my home system be just another system, except that you can win by taking all of them, but I would be open to a palace structure that you would ether start with or build that would give bonuses to your home system, but that you can't build anywhere else and that would be destroyed when another empire takes it.

I think that having a distance to palace bonus or penalty is a bad idea. It would require being able to move your home system, which is something that I don't want. I like being able to have a sprawling empire.

I do think there needs to be something that gives your homeworld significance beyond the existence of a victory condition. But a distance to capitol penalty is something I loathe loathe loathe.

The idea about a modular palace that you customize to fit your empire could work well. And it could work by tying it into your Academy and Heroes. Bigger and better palace gets you heroes faster and you can have more of them. Instead of being an abstract background detail, as it is currently. Now represented in the game.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 3:05:45 AM
There are some good ideas here! I agree that the capital should be important, even if it’s almost more ceremonial in nature. I like the thought of having a homeworld that can create certain buildings, whether it’s alien race specific or something that’d affect the whole empire, like the Ministry of Trade.

Like a few others, I would caution on something like a negative factor from the capital though. Something like a potential for more pirate raids on colonies far from the capital or center of the empire might make sense, but I hate to have a very negative population simply for the fact that it’s far from the homeworld. When you have warp drive and wormholes, I don’t think colonists would immediately start hating the homeworld just because they’re 5 parsecs away and not 3 where everyone loves the homeworld, if you get my meaning.

One thing I do really like is the thought of a throne room and/or palace - as mentioned by Maclardal and ThePurgatoryFire. I think a throne room of sorts would be a great visual representation of your empire. It’d be nice to see it impacted by your ratings, for instance if you’re a comparatively huge empire with lots of influence, it should have lots of dignitaries around and lots of opulence, whereas a small, cash-strapped empire would have a much more humble throne room. The room could also be affected by the technology level and happiness of the empire. I just think it’d be great to get a feel of your empire in that way.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 10:27:50 AM
Thanks for posting this idea it saved me from making a duplicate thread.

I support this idea. I also like the ideas of proposed additions and functionality.

Basically you would have an Imperial Palace so to speak with a barebone set of bonuses (+5% FIDS,+20% influence, +10 fleet detection) and then depending on your species some more.

In addition to it I like the idea of upgrading and enhancing it. Relocation of course should take some time and you could not do it while the system is besieged.

Hah, speaking of throne room: Pretty sure someone would find that crown clad with 100 Jardonix jewels being a symbol for your wealth!
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 1:16:33 PM
Yes please. It would make your Homeworld all that more vital.

Some of my own suggestions to flesh it out;

- Make the buildings unique for each race. For example, an Imperial Palace for the UE, the Grand Council for the Sophons etc. They might have roughly similar stats, or different ones (think Civ4 palaces here)

- Tie (at least some) racial bonuses to the Homeworld buildings. It is the center of your culture, the cradle of your people - it's not unreasonable to assume that some racial traits stem from homeworld features.

For example, the Horatio Homeworld is awash with Cloning Facilities of the Endless. It should be pretty hard to rebuild those somewhere else. So it would be an interesting twist if they (along with their boni) could be lost and (re)conquered.

- Give Homeworlds initial infrastructure. I think this suggestion is floating around somewhere already, but your people have been living on that planet for thousands of years. It's unreasonable that it would be a 1-3 pop, no infrastructure hovel at the start of the game

Similarly, Hisshos could take a big hit to their will to fight (their attack/defense boni) when their homeworld is taken, the UE could loose the grasp on it's commerce, the Cravers could take a hit to Locust numbers etc. It would make the homeworlds true centers of your people.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 1:24:10 PM
I definitely like the idea of having a place you can customize like a palace/throne room/hive/something. That would add a lot of variety to the game. But I think it has already been suggested and I think the dev are looking into the idea.

Now for the capital I also think it is a good idea. Like civilisation games, it would add more identity to each races as well as bonuses. And it would be a hard hit if anyone invade it with maluses given to the population and troops moral.
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