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more alert messages

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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:39:00 AM
I think "fleet x has arrived at y" and "system z is is blocked by a" are useful alert massages and should be added.

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12 years ago
Jun 9, 2012, 8:04:04 PM
This thread is the origin of discussions about more alert messages.

Other threads about this have been archived:




Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 7:02:07 AM
There already is a long thread on more event/alert messages, including a poll, here

Perhaps they could be merged or something?
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 5:50:34 AM
I'd like a notification for when a system's food production goes negative so I can avoid starving populations without knowing about it.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 9:43:14 AM
Heavydizle wrote:
+1 particularly the blockade idea. I also think it would be nice to get an alert when an enemy invades your territory. So not just when a planet is being besieged but as soon as an enemy crosses your boarders you are notified.


I've been caught out quite a few times when the number of systems under my control is massive and I have enemy make their way within my empire and you just fail to spot them.

Either a notification type message, or even just a simple symbol of some sport next to the planets name etc. At the moment it is just too easy to miss.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 9:09:35 AM
Hello everyone,

+1! This was my first thought after few days of play. Additionally to better visible ships (especially pirates). Few times when I made rutine all system checks I found blockades made by pirates. It cost me two systems in my first game smiley: frown

In my opinion such alert could be in turn summary (just like in MoO) and system can "glow" or something on galaxy map.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 1:34:37 PM
With any alert extensive system, allowing customisation of what alerts to report is always a good idea.

So some people might want alerts about fleets arriving, others might not.

Some would like a research idle prompt, others would rather alerts be kept to vital fleet.

I think a "Too much information is better than not enough" approach is preferable than deciding xxxx would create too much clutter, just allow user tailoring so people can enable and disable to suit their tastes.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 1:23:22 PM
+1 particularly the blockade idea. I also think it would be nice to get an alert when an enemy invades your territory. So not just when a planet is being besieged but as soon as an enemy crosses your boarders you are notified.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 8:03:52 AM
I think the game would much benefit from an alert message when the following happens:

1. A friendly fleet arrives at its destination - this would help alert me that my colony ship has finally arrived at that distant system I forgot I sent it to umpeen turns ago.

2. An enemy fleet is blockading one of my systems - especially when playing with pirates (which can be hard to see if you play zoomed out as much as I do) since I often accidentally launch a colony into orbit and it gets gobbled right up by that darn pirate that was sitting there, but that I did not notice until too late.

3. My gold balance is going into the negative - sometimes I don't notice for several turns before it starts to dip into my reserve funds.

Probably there are others I can't think of now but this is a start.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 7:30:05 AM
I don't know if I'd want more alerts when it comes to idle fleets. I feel that it would needlessly clutter the feed box, I know in other games (like SoTS) I tend to zone out the feed because there will be a hundred "so and so has landed" or "so and so produced x." I like how it is now. The game even notifies you when you complete a research project or construction project, and you can tell through that pop-up if there is something queued.

Instead of popping up in the feed bar, why not have fleets with moves left in them have a brighter hue and fleets that have no moves left be dulled out a little bit? This would still present all the information to the player, but keep it less obtrusive. In fact, instead of popping up a "you're not researching, stupid" feed message the game could just contrast the research button.

E.g. if a fleet is idle and your empire color is green have the fleet's icon show up brighter green, while other fleets that have moved completely be colored a darker forest green. Same for the research button, if you are currently working on a project let the button be normal but have it be a contrasting color if you are idle (logical choice would be a bright red).

Just some ideas. I currently like how little you get in the way of useless messages, and I think adding more feed messages would negatively effect how much attention players will pay to the feed bar.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 6:35:26 AM
except more alerts they need to do that untill you didn;t choose a reaserch the turn won't pass adn that alert will stop the game time theyy will opo up and you will see them
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 8:20:26 PM
+1 of all those suggestions, that should be easy to add in the code, and would greatly improve the comfort (not have to check all your systems every turn)
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 4:37:28 PM
+1 for more visual alerts.

Quite a few times now I am sending fleets out scouting or to colonise and then I notice something slightly odd about one of my systems on the map, and after zooming in I notice that there's actually a pirate fleet sat there in the system... no idea how long they've been there blockading the system.

Also when a ship detects another empire fleet, some kind of notification informing me about a sensor contact would be nice, especially with how the AI can be there on minute and gone the next during a turn... or even worse there's nothing there at the start of the turn and so I go focus on some colony support and then end my turn only to see that in the middle of my turn another empires fleet has popped up heading for my empire systems.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 4:24:33 PM
By gold balance, do you mean income? I'm not sure I want an alert, but I would definitely like a big red negative number up there next to my reserves to indicate how much I'm losing per turn.

Agreed with the fleet-destination thing, I've been suggesting that too.

Agreed on blockades as well. A little 'Cassipoea is being blockaded by X' would help large empire management immensely.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 4:21:52 PM
Bump to get some feedback on ideas and hopefully support for them.
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