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[Suggestion] Make Titanium-70 less valuable

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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 5:51:24 AM
Titanium-70, if you want a military you need it! Problem is it's required if you want to build a destroyer or anything bigger but does this make it too valuable??

Surely a better system would set different metals in the game for different ships?


Destroyer: Titanium-70

Cruiser: Hexaferrum

Battleship: Siderite

Dreadnaught: Adamantian

In several cases now I had a system with no titanium-70 and all nearby system were also bereft of it, this would make any military option almost impossible just because of a poor random start?

This would also have the added bonus of slowing down players (well OK me) from fast tracking Battleship research then overwhelming smaller Empires while they only throw up destroyers or cruisers again me.

Awesome game never the less!

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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 6:19:05 AM

hulls should never have a "need" for something special, there just hulls. Special upgrades, weapons, tools and stuff should be based on special ressources, becaus there special....

Ok that sounds odd but i think you get the idea. smiley: smile


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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 6:35:17 AM
While I'd agree we are talking about a pc game and a look and feel concept.

Currently the game makes Titamium-70 an over valuable resource as well as hampering players who may start in a system lacking this resource. Why punish a player if there is not a specific resource in an area? Surely in real terms a society would develop other materials to build hulls with, why does it need to be Titanium-70 would be the counter argument. Also why do all hulls need to be constructed from just this one material?

Just my thoughts.

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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 7:23:44 AM
If we build hulls out of alternative materials, it would end up being weaker. Maybe titanium-70 is the minimum required to keep a destroyer from tearing it self in half.
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 8:22:53 AM
We could go the Dwarf Fortress approach, you can build your ships from any metal you have lying around, but they give different (de)buffs to the ships. Hexaferrum is too soft, so -20% on HP, Adamantine is to heavy, so -30% to movement or things like this. Hell, this could be a game mechanic in its own, with "material research" allowing better use of a specific resource, so you get the minus only if using an unfamiliar resource, and once you have some levels in different materials you can combine them, which gives you an even stronger material which you can again level up your knowledge in, but you are now dependant on two or more resources to build your ships.

Okay, scrap starting from Hell, drifting deep into mod-territory here
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 10:15:11 AM
I have never run out of a single resource or not had it in over 12 200+ turn games. I play on medium/large galaxys with atleast 6 AI's--how the hell are you not getting resources?

If i have a freak galaxy gen and somehow not have a resource i make it a priority to claim a planet with that resource. I've started wars over hex but i almost always just end up trading with the AI as they are often very loose with their resources when their swimming in it.
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 10:22:32 AM
A well known fact though, If a society had lots of gold, and used it for weapons, and a society had steel and made weapons for it, surely those with the better resource that is stronger will come out on top, ie the guys with stainless steel will win because gold tends to be a bit soft and breakable in comparison.

Though I think you shouldn't require it to build that ship, it should only give a health bonus or mp bonus or strength bonus if the resource is held.
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 11:02:13 AM
If they designed [insertshipclass] hull research to allow four variants of the ship design on completion i.e. Gunzor, Tankzor, Logizor, standardzor with those derivatives requiring different strategic resources you shouldn't place such restrictions. You should be able to build the basic design of a class but then allow variant designs require a strategic resource. The whole point of a strategic resource is that they're strategic. Key. Powerful. If you don't have it you either scout&colonise, scout&conquer or 'simply' befriend&trade if you desire a particular fleet composition.
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 12:44:26 PM
Moved to the proposals, renamed title.
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12 years ago
Jun 11, 2012, 2:02:10 PM
I think strategic resources need to be more important, not less. as it is only the first weapon tech in each tree requires them, the rest dont. And only cruisers need a resource, but you can easily skip cruisers if you dont have it.
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12 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 2:47:57 PM
Titanium-70 is just flavor. I've never not had it when I reached the Gigas class ship (1st 200 ton). I have skipped the first missile before because I didn't have it but the next missile isn't far.
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12 years ago
Jun 12, 2012, 5:23:20 PM
I've probably never really built ships or weapons which need titanium-70, right now I skip over them. If titanium-70 was made less valuable, then the tech tree should be modified so that there is considerably more space between needing and not needing it to build things
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