Ignore if there's a post on this already.

The latest patch made a huge improvement on GUI feedback but I'm still missing key info and had to click through numerous windows.

The galactic view should indicate:

1. System pop full AND there's planet available to colonize in the system;

2. There are improvements available to be made in system such as missing planet improvement or new tech based option such as soil adaptation, moon surveys etc;

3. Number of turns until pop growth in systme.

The system view should indicate/highlight:

4. Existing moon-temple bonus;

5. Un-surveyed moons;

6. Planet hazard available for terraform.

On medium-plus maps, I found myself spending majority of my time trying to 'manage' my empire checking every systems for improvements I've missed or held off due to other priorities. A more informative GUI will save players a LOT of time.

On a completely different note. Will there be a 'movement available, do you wish to end turn' mechanic? It seems to be a strange omission for a turn based game. Warlock: Master of Arcane did a good job of streamlining unit management in later game.