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Cravers: Add Consume option in conquest

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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:15:30 AM
I'd like to see the Cravers in general play more as describe, namely:

When engaging in galactic conquest, in addition to the "Invade" button on fleet options, I'd like to see a "Consume / Harvest" button that sets the fleet above a system into a state of harvesting the locals and resources.

I'd like to be able to opt to strip the planet and people of their resources, decimating populations (eventually destroying the colony) and rapidly depleting the planet beneath in exchange for a hefty monetary or research bonus for the Craver empire.

In general, I'd like to see these guys be nomadic, and so it'd be awesome to expand the depletion mechanic from:

Normal -> High Yield -> Deplete


Normal -> High Yield -> Deplete -> Exhaust -> Strip

With the strip option penalizing 75%. But for this to function in gameplay, the cravers need to be able to abandon systems and receive a cash out for improvements in the system (A large monetary bonus would work, allowing the cravers to rapidly develop a new system as they move on).

I love these guys, but their gameplay feels so similar to other races right now. You develop worlds, they deplete, but you don't care because they're developed and still valuable. You conquer systems, and you keep them. I don't feel like a swarm of locusts, I feel like a normal empire that gets penalized after 100 turns.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:30:55 AM
I like that idea and if we are going to make major changes to a race then there is no time like the present.

What if the idea was to harvest other colonies to sustain you own. Lotus points would be a galactic resource like dust that you get by harvesting colonies. Your population consumes lotus points and extra causes increased FIDS and vice versa (or perhaps it could be linked to approval).

You may recognize this system as it is based on the Zuul from Sword of the Stars. Like the Cravers they focus on swarms of cheap ships, and they had a mechanic where their worlds would loose industry but that they could boost it by harvesting slaves and bringing them back to their colonies. If their expansion was halted, there industry would peter out and they could be worn down.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 4:58:47 AM
I'm in favor of a Consume option for the Cravers. Establishing an empire to reign over doesn't feel like it's right for their back story. The way i see it, the consume option should either: Convert the planet into a Barren, Destroy the planet, or give the planet an extreme debuff. All of which are accompanied by a monetary compensation. Craver controlled planets should also be consumed, but at a delayed rate. I envision Tyranids from the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Decending to a planet, stripping it of all usable matter, and continuing onwards once the planet had been reduced to nothing.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:09:10 AM
In fact it's already there !

When you colonize you automatically consume the planets the first 50 turns (and get +25% fids). That's called "Locust points" and you can build things that reduce the locust points so that you can consume longer.

Then the next 50 turns the planet is as usual. Then after 100 turns the planet is depleted.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:24:06 AM
I think you might have misread my post. If you read it again it should be relatively clear that I'm well aware of the existing mechanic for the Cravers. I'm suggesting a significant expansion of that mechanic.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 7:54:32 AM
Oh well. You're right smiley: smile I just browse those forums for too long. My eyes are blinking.

Ok. As a craver player I'd like also some expansion on the concept. Maybe through more unique techs ? One can reduce the locust points.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 8:14:56 AM
Sargana wrote:
I think you might have misread my post. If you read it again it should be relatively clear that I'm well aware of the existing mechanic for the Cravers. I'm suggesting a significant expansion of that mechanic.

I agree, the expansion of the existing mechanic would be great. Good thinking.
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12 years ago
May 8, 2012, 11:49:30 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
Oh well. You're right smiley: smile I just browse those forums for too long. My eyes are blinking.

Ok. As a craver player I'd like also some expansion on the concept. Maybe through more unique techs ? One can reduce the locust points.

I'd actually like the Cravers to embrace the locust points rather than setting up a dynamic where the player tries to avoid locust points. I think other players should be worried when they encounter a good craver player and need to think with new tactics. The Cravers might logically want to delay stripping a very good system to benefit from it longer, but I think the most interesting gameplay is the "locust" style swarm where the Cravers benefit greatly from destroying everything in the system and then moving on.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 6:32:59 AM
Sargana wrote:
I'd actually like the Cravers to embrace the locust points rather than setting up a dynamic where the player tries to avoid locust points. I think other players should be worried when they encounter a good craver player and need to think with new tactics. The Cravers might logically want to delay stripping a very good system to benefit from it longer, but I think the most interesting gameplay is the "locust" style swarm where the Cravers benefit greatly from destroying everything in the system and then moving on.

While it might be cool from a lore perspective, this would make rushing even easier.

The Cravers already are a massive powerhouse early on, literally "swarming" the galaxy with huge, powerful fleets. Increasing their initial bonus even further would make them nigh unstoppable
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 7:02:42 AM
The current system is just fine, and your increased rate of expansion from the FIDS and combat bonuses should make you find the balance that doesn't make you just a 'race penalized after 100 turns.'
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 11:17:25 AM
The game is apparently un-balanced so trying this out would be pretty awesome.

This would totally change their gameplay aswell which would be good (It kind of gets boring playing mirrors of the other races...)

Awesome Idea non-the-less, Totally Lore wise aswell! =D


- Give them modules with different strengths and weaknesses (A faster depletion but less resources as a tier 1 module, A better quality 'consumption of a planet/system at a cost of turns, etc etc)

- Maybe special Hull(s) which gives them a bonus to a 'consumption' while in system

- Depleted worlds would remain persistent (Barren?) until 'rejuvenated' by a tech or event?

- A new Hull, Say a "Mothership" type vessel that acts as a homeworld/hive for them? It can produce smaller vessels for them (has to remain stationary during production)

It still is an Alpha so maybe if they get some time they could play around with the idea...
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12 years ago
Jun 13, 2012, 5:57:26 PM
I like the ideas, especially harvesting colonies. As a way to compensate, maybe make craver colonization longer. That way they get slowed down a bit and aren't a huge eating machine. Or what about build time for cravers being longer. If they need to harvest to keep industry going, they are not good by themselves, especially ships...or something to do with a hive mentality....
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