Well, this is the first of huge series of suggestions i will make. Think on this as the spiritual successor of my list of suggestions. xD

I was recently thinking on a new challenge for experienced players.

I had this idea while playing Civ 4 today.

It would consist of:

Each player has only one system, interconnected by one wormhole, with equal numbers of planet of equivalent quality. BUt the real battle would happen only when one of them research the wormhole travel tech (applied cassimir effect if im not wrong).

One variation would be a Planet-State where the player has only on system and only 1 Huge awesome quality planet (like Terran planet for most factions or Lava for the Sowers).

I think it would be a nice challenge.

What you guys think. there is already

obs: this suggestion specifically i did not searched much because i didn´t knew what would this feature called. i tried for many keyword like "Unique", "Planet-State" or "System-State" but i could not find anything, so i presume no one tought about it so far.