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New Invasion Model (Works same as befoe but now looks cooler!)

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12 years ago
Sep 2, 2012, 10:12:59 AM
Following my comment from another thread:

If i were to design a invasion model:

Team 1 Invader: 14cp = 1.4 million (100,000 per CP)

Team 2 Defender: 15 pop = 1.5 million (100,000 per pop)

Team 1: 7 invasion mods = 50% efficentcy (Mods in fleet cover 1 CP per mod)

Team 2: 2 invasion defences: 75% efficentcy (Improvments cover 5 pop per improvment)

Team 1: 10 technologys (All tech unlocked)

Team 2: 7 technologys (All tech unlocked)

Team 1 Combat effectivness: 7,000,000 combat strength

Team 2 Combat effectivness:7,875,000 combat strength

12.5% difference"

Then use the % difference to increase off of the minimum time for an invasion, and this is without modifiers for ship modules, system/planet anomaly's, planet types and racial troop strengths.

And with a statistical display for the players in the system screen would be how I would present it.

So how about that guys?

#Edit so i messed up the efficiency of the planets defenses, but you get my point.

#Edit 2 and the sum is (Troop numbers / Efficiency ratio * Technology's = Strength)

Despite my mathematical failure I still feel like this method of implementing the invasion system will be the most effective in improving the invasion system.

The efficiency ratios should of course have a base level of efficiency to prevent them becoming worthless, I feel like 5% base efficiency foe ships and 10% for systems will be effective enough without proper equipment.

Please feel free to add and comment to this idea, and have a nice day.
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12 years ago
Sep 3, 2012, 2:08:16 PM
Many people have said before that the current invasion model for Endless sapce is quite limited and basic, now while I personally don't want to add much of a invasion mode to the game, here I have presented a way that we can make the invasions of the game more complex while retaining how it actually works.

Each ship CP and System population gives: 100,000 "Men/Women/Children/other"

Depending on the invaders and defenders invasion modules and defensive improvements you have a capacity of efficiency to manage, with invasion mods covering the efficiency of 1 CP per module and defensive improvements covering 5 population points.

If you don't have enough capacity your efficiency will drop, thus requiring the use of both in the game (While keeping their own strength to add on).

From this we get a base number that is then multiplied by the amount of technology's researched to give an invasion number, this number if positive increases the invasion turn time and if negative decreases it.

And that would be the basic of it, leaving room for many other invasion statistics like local anomaly's, terrain, moral and random events.

Expanding the invasion system to an easy to learn and use system that should help give people the information and gameplay they need to feel satisfied in an invasion.

If you have any additional suggestions or comments please say!

And thanks for commenting! smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Sep 4, 2012, 4:21:26 PM
Yeah, nice idea but I would suggest some little changes:

Your Population/Invasion Numbers are way too theoretical, or at least too unrealistic. The Populationslots should represent far more people. When you have a Medium Terran Planet with (ok, now i am guessing) 8 Populationslots, the Populationnumber should be BILLIONS!

(Compare to Terra with an about 7 Billion Population, not absolutely colonized - billion = [germanandbritish] milliard(e))

Also, this Number cannot be taken as the estimated number potential Soldiers! Ok, here I am absolutely not sure HOW many people can be recruited out of the Population to fight for their lifes - let's asume 1/3rd. That could be a more realistic number.

From this 1/3rd, there is should be about 20% trained Soldiers, the rest just "Civilians in Arms".

Ok, with these new numbers, you have to modify the numbers of attacking Forces - since there usually is not enough room for "billions" of Invasion-Forces (except you come with millions of ships?). You now can argue that at least those forces have an advantage trough air-supremecy and bombardement, but a Planet can be fortified very good, even with anti-spacecraft weaponry. But that's just more theory.

So basicly, I like your idea, but you have to modify the math a bit more realistic (yes, i know you wanted just to show your idea.) More technologies or Upgrades for Planets could make it much more interessting and some little animations and/or pictures could help with the fluff. smiley: biggrin

I had another suggestion in the "Expansion"-Section you porpably could also like or combine with your idea:

Ground-Combat: is a very nice idea, but could be tricky. I try to give some suggestions according to the engine of your game (Sry, I'm no computer-crack!).

- The colorfull bar which you see everytime you invade a systems stands (for me) for ground and airbattles as well. One improvement could be to show little spaceships (of your fleet) in the orbit, shooting down on the planetground, or little explosions where citys are razed or ships destroyed.

- Even though a groundbattle visualisation would be awesome, you could try it this way: Like in a trading card game, you choose a deck of specialized soldiers for a fleet. When invading the system and destroing ALL enemy fleets in this system (by loosing your own ships you would loose some soldiers as well!) you can choose to engage in ground-battle with your set of cards, by choosing a tactic, opposing the enemies defensive card-deck. Per ground battle you choose 1-3 additional striketactics (similar to the ones in space-battle) and the defender will have his own 1-3 choises. If you win, you get one Planet imidiately, and can engage in another ground battle next turn. - by Codename_Veers

Here is the Link to the Suggestions if you are interested in all of them: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11347-expansion-pack
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12 years ago
Sep 4, 2012, 4:37:35 PM
Thanks! And yes it was just the premise for the idea. smiley: wink

I am sure you could include many variables for every conceivable situation, even luck!

And thanks for taking the time to read it!
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12 years ago
Sep 26, 2012, 9:19:59 PM
Thank you very much! And this totally isn't me trying to further promote my idea.
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12 years ago
Oct 22, 2012, 8:20:46 AM
I love your idea, but I still think it could be improved...I fear it can be exploited to create basically uninvadable systems.

Anyway, I think this idea deserves much more attention, and that a serious balancing project could make it a great implementation ^^
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