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Wish: equalised starting positions in MP

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12 years ago
Aug 7, 2012, 8:50:08 PM

my friends and I have been enjoying this game in MP (yes, without Hamachi we managed to get it to work - quite stable too). However, we do have one major gripe - the starting locations are in no way balanced. Is it possible to include some symmetric map constellations? Or to in some other way ensure an equal starting position (home system + systems up to 2 jumps away at least should be balanced).


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12 years ago
Aug 8, 2012, 8:59:44 PM
The ES games are like card games. You do the best with "the cards" you're given. I like that. I agree there should be an option for symmetry-wanting folks but i wouldn't play that way. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Aug 9, 2012, 11:35:27 PM
Tell me about it, it needs to be equalized, it is certainly not a difficult thing to do. They could simply generate one arm in a shape-X galaxy and clone it; well clone it to the point of including the same type of planets just not in the same order or configuration. Heroes should be equal at all times for the first 3. I cannot tell you how many MP games my friends and I dump because someone doesn't get a decent start; one game I had three terran worlds but all were monsoons. It gets annoying when your start can assign you to a loss
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12 years ago
Aug 10, 2012, 1:23:22 AM
Half the fun of the game, though, is getting those crap starts and still becoming a major threat. Aside from the worst of the worst (those starts where you have one system, and just a few wormholes), you can come back from just about everything. It's coming back from a bad start that shows whether or not you know how to play the game and your faction correctly. The same goes for Heroes--it's all luck of the draw, and making do with what you can get.

You can't expect to start playing multiplayer in, say, CoD or BF3, and declare that you should have all the guns/perks unlocked so you're on equal footing with everyone else. Or an MMO, and say that everyone needs to be at the same level with the same equipment to make everything there fair as well. Why expect it here?
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12 years ago
Aug 14, 2012, 6:27:24 PM
There is a significant difference between symmetry and general equality. The former does not align well with the spirit of the game, but the latter can take many forms and is definitely not in conflict with the game's design.

Making sure every empire's starting area has roughly the same combined value in planets and resources is an entirely positive thing, and should be implemented into the game (not just in a mod) to reduce frustration for new and experienced players alike. The threshold need not be strict, although adding a 3-level balancing option in the galaxy setup screen would be ideal.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 6:56:14 PM
I agree with Coror and Mikey. If you have old, veteran players with lots of experiences, it is necassery to get a 90% equal start. The rest of the 10% is not so important. And to FinalStrigon:

Because it is a strategic game and we want to kno, who is best. The only way to find out, is, if everyone has NEARLY same chances.
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12 years ago
Oct 17, 2012, 7:28:06 PM
milos-1389 wrote:
I agree with Coror and Mikey. If you have old, veteran players with lots of experiences, it is necassery to get a 90% equal start. The rest of the 10% is not so important. And to FinalStrigon:

Because it is a strategic game and we want to kno, who is best. The only way to find out, is, if everyone has NEARLY same chances.

You know theres a balanced galaxy option now right?
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 9:49:29 AM
chromodynamics wrote:
You know theres a balanced galaxy option now right?

Indeed, we added the improvement in the first Add-on: "Added the 'System Balancing' in the Galaxy's advanced options. Ranges from 'Random' to 'Perfect'. For "Perfect", constellations with homeworlds now possess the same number of systems (with a maximum difference of 1 system)."
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12 years ago
Oct 18, 2012, 10:04:11 AM
Steph'nie wrote:
Indeed, we added the improvement in the first Add-on: "Added the 'System Balancing' in the Galaxy's advanced options. Ranges from 'Random' to 'Perfect'. For "Perfect", constellations with homeworlds now possess the same number of systems (with a maximum difference of 1 system)."

I love this option - Perfect is perfect! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Oct 19, 2012, 9:23:30 PM
@ Steph'nie

Hmm strange, we tried it a couple of times in multiplayer a week ago, watched it as amoeba players and it did NOT work at all?

We were very excited when we saw it in the update documents, but it differed quite a lot. But maybe I misunderstood it. Is it just the number of systems, or planets and kind of planet as well?
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12 years ago
Oct 22, 2012, 4:08:10 PM
Milos1389 wrote:
@ Steph'nie

Hmm strange, we tried it a couple of times in multiplayer a week ago, watched it as amoeba players and it did NOT work at all?

We were very excited when we saw it in the update documents, but it differed quite a lot. But maybe I misunderstood it. Is it just the number of systems, or planets and kind of planet as well?

It's the number of systems. Are you sure you set the System balancing to "perfect" before you started playing with your friend? smiley: confused
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