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[Suggestion] Escalating Events

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 12:37:52 PM
So here is an idea, Escalating Events, Basic concept;

Minor Event --> (Slightly bigger) Minor Event --> Big Event --> Major Event

I've picked the Pirates because I think it'll give them some purpose instead of the usual suicide runs they tend to do =)

Say the first Minor Event is the pirates popping up, They might have a base? (Moon base? Hidden, easy for them to find and it acts as a Rest&Repair as well as meeting point for Raids)

They will probably do pirate-y things like raiding and plundering until they reach some milestone (turns survived, ships killed, resources plundered?)

As they do this they might expand (say every 2 or 3 systems to keep up with the fact that they're pirates and not empires) and their fleets might expand (Different ships from the races they attack? Pirate's shouldn't have "strict" uniforms)

Say the slightly bigger event is a big raid on a selected player system and this will grab nearby peoples attention to it (opportunity to attack, vital defence)

The Big Event might be the Pirates expanding a bit more and more frequent/bigger fleet raids essentially making them a bigger threat than a small confined one. Possibly Give them "Pirate Lords" (Fleet Admirals) who's fleet would be "tougher" in that you need to design vessels to counter theirs.

The Major Event is probably a full scale assault on everyone because the problem wasn't dealt with earlier. (affects everyone, who's still alive =)

This style of Escalation wouldn't be restricted to Pirates, you could do it when an Empire uncovers a unique artifact, excavate it in "phases" to give people time to react and mobilize for it.

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:07:17 PM
It would be cool if you had some option to react to these events in some way, such as bribing the pirates to attack a certain player.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 6:36:15 AM
(Sorry! Thanks for moving the thread DannyD!)

@ Mr.Portlyslim - It would definitely be awesome to implement this in such a way that it mingles with the diplomacy aspect of the game, although it might be a bit too complicated just yet.

Again the Pirates are just an example for the basic concept, I'd like to see some events that evolve overtime rather than the usual "Pop-up" events which appear and disappear almost immediately in most other 4X games.. (Your Empire has discovered something, You have been attacked by a hidden enemy, etc etc) ..I understand that simple is key but maybe adding depth in the right places could make it slightly more interesting for everyone...

Hopefully it could be used to add a little bit more life to the galaxy, plenty of people talk about it but this is my two cents on that topic...

If anyone has any thoughts about it, please share...
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12 years ago
Jun 16, 2012, 2:43:45 PM
This thread is the origin of discussions about more complex random events.

Other threads about this have been archived:










Feel free to post here about this topic here and inform yourself about the variations the threads listed above have already discussed, but don't open new suggestion threads for anything alike. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 2:41:36 AM
Ah sorry x( didn't realize, thank you Nosferatiel!

If it's the origin could people be directed to it somehow? So they can submit their ideas in this thread? Kind of like a "go-to" thread for this specific topic?
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12 years ago
Jun 18, 2012, 9:21:31 AM
That's a good idea, but still a lot of work to do a list (and sort it) for 500 links.

Let's see when I have time... Adding prefixes comes first, though.
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 8:14:22 AM
Oh, sorry not meaning to sort out the links but direct people to this thread for the event suggestions. I'd love to do it if I knew how (not quite bright) and it could help cut down on duplicate idea threads.

Gave them all a read and yeah, there are some awesome ideas there..

I've also recently got another idea,

Say minor event > A player stumbles across some form of artifact/boon which provides the player (and allies) a special bonus while they control/maintain it. (they can choose to "trade" or give it to other players, in their alliance or otherwise, abandon it in another system in which it still progresses, or maybe even synthesis it with a hero wouldn't make them overly strong but give them say one slight boost to a specific trait of the players' choice)

A slightly bigger minor event > The previously found artifact/boon becomes slightly more powerful. (options could be above with a slightly better boost to the hero)

Big event > An unidentified fleet/swarm/horde gets attracted by the artifact/boon and starts attacking the controlling party (considerably strong) if they manage to capture and control the artifact/boon for X amount of turns they get away with it and the former owner(s) lose the bonus. If the owner(s) manage to keep control over it then the bonus again gets more powerful (ever so slightly) (same options but you could plant it in another players' system to attract attention)

Major event > A very strong titanic monster/creature/fleet/swarm/horde pops up and makes an assault on the artifact/boon holder(s) same as above but if the owner(s) manage to keep it then it gets a slightly better bonus (maybe a few added bonuses) for X amount of turns and then begins to decay (signs of over use or aging) kind of like the Cravers FIDS bonus which decays on planets...

If they lose it then the creature/fleet gains a massive bonus and continues to rampage for X amount of turns before the artifact/boon ends up consuming or destroying them (random probability that the artifact/boon acts like the players' and begins to decay rather than totally destroy the creature/fleets in which case they continue to rampage in a much weaker state)

Could even skip some of the steps and have something intimidating pop up a few turns after the boon is collected or discovered to give it a much more "random" feel so it is unpredictable.

Another one could relate to players finding a special planet which is in fact an Endless construct (artificial planet or special type of planetoid) which can provide one of the FIDS at a much higher rate than normal, but it requires discovery of it's traits, excavation, exploitation and maybe it even has a secondary use (system wide defense, constellation monitoring, use it as a capital planet, empire wide bonus, hero bonuses, could lead into another event)

If anyone has their own ideas or styles of events PLEASE POST IN THIS THREAD.

Your idea could be the most awesomest gameplay experience! Thanks again! =)
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12 years ago
Jun 19, 2012, 3:14:12 PM
Here's one. Moon base has a map but it needs decoding/is incomplete. Cyphers/missing pages are located "insert systems/planet names here" on their moons. Once you have them or an ally agrees to share another planet becomes the X marks the spot and everyone gets to race for it.

Possibly with an extra turn or two of time for the ones who put the map together with the info "leaking" to the other factions afterwards.
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12 years ago
Jun 20, 2012, 11:24:36 AM
Awesome idea, definitely makes searching moons that bit more important xD also mingles with the diplomacy system and gives something else to trade and bargain over...
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12 years ago
Sep 8, 2012, 2:29:47 AM
Gah I hate to necro this thread but it beats starting up a new one.

I've decided to expand on my idea for the Pirate Event I came up with originally in this thread.

It starts off with how the pirates pop up, I'm fine with them in neutral systems but I was wondering if the systems we own which have very low approval (Strike and Rebellion) could spawn a random fleet of pirates every now and then (Not a full fleet but say 3-4 ships) this could happen every 20 or so turns the system is at bad approval. The ships could be based off of the Players' Empire style and tech level but a bit more pirate-y. They don't have to immediately blockade the system the spawn, if they are given a "personality" of sorts they could then choose to go to another system, blockade said system or if very ambitious they could begin to invade the system!

It could be made interactive in a way that you could bribe said pirates to attack other empires or blockade a selected system for a number of turns (gives players a temporary ally) They could also incite rebellions in systems to cause some havoc, this way outposts or fringe systems will need some attention if they're targeted.

Eventually they could have the already mentioned "Pirate Lords" which are pretty much Fleet Admiral/Pilot Heroes who could have their own story and expand the already expansive hero pool. Give them some unique abilities and maybe people will go for them. They could also have their own "personalities" as in how they fight, some could be pillaging specialists (Invasions) others could be blockaders and other just attack Player Empire ships on sight. Another thing is making them a challenge (They should be fun to fight against but not overly OP) You could hunt down the blockaders and steal their stolen goods (Tech and modules, maybe even ships) Finding the Pillagers' base and then invading it or just killing off every pirate menace that pops up until a boss pirate comes and demands attention.

On a sadistic side you could have a total rising up with one special Pirate Leader who unites all the pirates against all the players in a mass attack. (This could be say the final stage in the evolving event)

If someone ends up destroying these fleets they could probably take some tech or a hero or even a ship too keep as a souvenir, the tech could be a bad-ass ship module (most likely kinetic to encourage kinetic phase or even special engine modules that make fleets a tad more mobile)
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12 years ago
Oct 28, 2012, 7:40:23 AM
Event Pop up! - Your moon is crumbling!

the effects include:

Reduced Industry/Science income while the moon is crumbling above your planet

Longer Ship/Improvement Build times

Cannot change host planets exploitation

You have 3 choices:

Accelerate the destruction - Removes moon quicker, can receive a *temporary* positive or negative perk on said planet OR adds a permanent boost to system defence OR disables planet for set number of turns

Leave it be - Lets the destructive cycle go for as long as it needs to, random *temporary* positive or negative perk OR disables planet for a set number of turns OR host planet's Industry is massively improved at the cost of Dust income

Hold it together! - Begins construction of a "frame" to keep the moon in one piece, +2 planet pop and +2 to FIDS OR random positive or negative perk on said planet OR increase system defence significantly

this on can then lead to depending on choice:

Accelerate the destruction is picked:

A temporary perk is granted - it can be developed upon for a significant increase to its benefits/consequences at the cost of being unable to change exploitation of planet and said planet's industry is NOT counted towards system Ship/Improvement rate

A permanent boost to system defence is granted - the system defence is increased significantly at the cost of being able to hold only a certain amount of CP in the system for allies and enemies alike as well as owning player

Disables planet is granted - This can be instantly worked on being fixed as planet's output isn't being used in anyway at the cost of halting all system improvements or ship building until the emergency work is completed

Leave it be is picked:

same choices as above for:

A temporary perk is granted and Disables planet is granted

A massive boost to Industry is granted: This cannot be increased nor can the Dust income be fixed as it affects the system as a whole

Hold it together! is picked:

+2 pop and FIDS - fairly straight forward, can be improved upon to increase FIDS output with unique improvements, can also preserve artifacts on a moon and techs that are applied which utilize moons

Positive perk is same as description in Accelerate destruction choice

Increase system defence significantly is similar in that this way it won't impart a CP cap on the system but rather totally favour the owning player

Let me know what you guys think! Also sorry for necro'ing thread *again*

Not trying to make this a hybrid idea but I think some interaction could alter the course of how an event "evolves"

Again your ideas could also help here! Please post!
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