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Where is orion (i mean tor :P)

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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 8:44:57 AM
Interesting thought - after looking in depth at all the races backstory, the pilgrims and this whole endless thing really tickles me in my MOO vibe, remember moo2 where there was an option to have a heavily guarded super gaia world in the center or somwhere hidden in the universe? That was awesome.

Totally should be an option for it in ES - if one i'snt added, im making a mod for it, too bad it wont work in public MP games then.

https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11224-bringing-some-life-to-the-galaxy-your-opinions Agr's suggestion reminded me alot of some of the nifty things that MOO had - this being one of my favorite, i'd always replay the game with omniscient on and see how quickly i could take Orion, id challenge myself and replay and refine my game to rush for it earlier and earlier, it was great.

So, my thought being that some kind of tech or warpgate or something could enable us to travel to tor - or whats left of it, and lets say we'd have to fight through a large guardian automated ship or something left by the endless, who knows. tldr: same concept as orion. i want it.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 8:52:01 AM
That does sound great, i think it would definitely add another layer of immersion for me, i do so enjoy shouting "hold the line men!" as my worlds burn, maybe if this was implemented the line could actually be held
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 8:55:41 AM
Biaslemon wrote:
That does sound great, i think it would definitely add another layer of immersion for me, i do so enjoy shouting "hold the line men!" as my worlds burn, maybe if this was implemented the line could actually be held


Yeah, having roaming entities around would be pretty cool too.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 8:55:44 AM
This coupled with some large/huge terran + garden of eden planets guarded by various space monsters (leftover ancient defense platforms, space monsters, interdimensional species, other automated defense systems - ♥♥♥♥ knows, be creative) instead of the "here's some pirates spawned by an exploration event". It would make combat more interesting too. Give them unique weapons - make the weapon effects available to modders. Win-win all around.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 9:01:06 AM
ooo yes! love the sound of space monsters, The pirates already scare me, but if a huge monster came out of deep space at my home world that would truly something to play againest, i can just imagine myself shouting various movie quotes as it eats my populace. A glorious image
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 9:03:34 AM
Yeah, as i said in my OP this kind of stuff - depending on the ease of creating mods for ES, i'll be making myself, but that's no substitute for having it available in any MP game.

One of the things i loved most about Civnet (Such an underrated game ffs, the FIRST networking variation of civilization, and it was made soo well) was how in the game setup, it had several pages of settings, for such an old game, it had such amazing depth, the original MOO was much the same, at least with the faction creation, i mean ES never even touched upon governmental systems (i miss unification!)
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 9:06:33 AM
Biaslemon wrote:
ooo yes! love the sound of space monsters, The pirates already scare me, but if a huge monster came out of deep space at my home world that would truly something to play againest, i can just imagine myself shouting various movie quotes as it eats my populace. A glorious image

hahaa, moo had a similar situation with this actually, there were these alien creatures that flew around and kind of guarded random planets, but they'd never go past your 2nd or 3rd planets, which was cool and fair, but in the early game they were tough as shit, i don't necissarily think that is the direction to go for ES, maybe an option for what you're saying, but one of the things that ES -NEEDS- to do for its survival (in the same way, they did this F2P weekend and sale) is let this game appeal to a wider audience, and thus level out its learning curve just a little. but you CAN have best of both worlds through this wonderful device called a "checkbox"
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 9:48:54 PM
Those who vote no, i'd really like an explanation onto your thoughts of why something like this shouldn't be in the game, its a core fundamental of the genre, and would be optional nonetheless.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 10:28:58 PM
I also voted not, and here is 2 reasons why:

I want Tor to remain a mystery of speculation and lore


An king of the hill map type to feature Tor specifically as a game and lore important target of greater worth and story then even orion.
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 11:12:42 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I also voted not, and here is 2 reasons why:

I want Tor to remain a mystery of speculation and lore


An king of the hill map type to feature Tor specifically as a game and lore important target of greater worth and story then even orion.

True - now i wasn't necissarily saying TOR or orion specifically, just a superplanet/boss type thing. i like your point though, lore wise and such i agree, leave tor out for something more shiny
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