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[Suggestion - Poll] Hide User Interface (for example for screenshots)

Definitely want to have the option
Would be nice but isn't really necessary
Don't care/don't want
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 5:49:18 PM
It is as the title says; I suggest adding an option to hide the user interface. Just assigning a key or a key stroke to do so would be sufficient, the thought behind that is to be able to enjoy the graphics of the game, for example for screenshots.

Of course this is not one of the important suggestions, it is of aesthetic nature. I would like to see it but I wouldn't miss it badly if it wouldn't be implemented either.

Feel free to post feedback or maybe some further ideas in that direction.

(For those who care, I got the idea from Sabinus in this thread: http://forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?4065-Game-Freezing-Print-Screen-in-manual-battle-mode)
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 4:42:50 AM
I would prefer not to go around bumping my threads again, but the polls aren't just supposed to be are more than 7 days old, they also need more than 7 votes to tell the devs something.
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12 years ago
Jun 4, 2012, 3:45:09 PM
I like this idea as well, would allow a lot more marketing to be done for minimal effort.

Lots of uploaded Steam screenshots, using it as your wallpaper, making signatures, banners etc.

Would be very handy.
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12 years ago
Dec 3, 2012, 7:35:30 PM
I was just looking for a way to hide the interface when I'm watching some battles and or taking screen shots. Not many games don't have this option. It should be standard feature really. I voted yes and I'm sure more people will as they become aware of this poll.
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