Hi there,

I do enjoy Endless Space and think it's a wonderful game with a high potential for more improovements.

Here are my first 3 contribution ideas:

Game Host

ES is enhanced for multiplayer rounds, but i found it a bit irritating to play a free game on from the server. You just have a 50/50 chance finding a host who is playing till the end, plus you can't re-host the game once one looses connection. Unlike games like Civilization, if the Host quits, the whole game is over. One spends hours of time to grow your faction and then BANG it's over without a possibility to keep the game other then singleplayer-savegame.

I think Amplitude has to rethink the hosting section to a way that the game is going on, once the gamehost is quitting out or a player could re-join or even one could re-invite non-Steam-friends to a former game session.

How about storing the players names in the savefile so you could just re-invite all players...let's say with one button click?

How about switching host to the next player, once the former host quits? If by himself or by lost connection, reason doesn't matter here i guess.


I really enjoy the end-game stats as you could compare to others? What i'm missing is such a graph ingame, so you could react on others expansion. Could be, i didn't find it...but i'm still learning. :-)

Probably you could get those stats by a spy-ability hero you may send out into a other empire to catch up intel? A good way to make use of those spy-heros...i never found out what to do with them anyway.

Battle retreat

How often i have been in a situation where my unarmed scout ran into a bunch of pirates or enemys. Right now i have to go for manual battle, so i could throw the retreat playcard. This is time-consuming, as i have to do so all the times.

How about having a 'retreat' button together with the 'automatic battle' and 'manual battle' ones? It could be very helpful to avoid boring manual battles which allways go the same way...

How about retreat penalty with hero? Should be a hero within the retreating force, he should get a -1 to his abilities, so he has to cut off one of his enhancements or to pick a negative one.

Should i started a double-posting with the same ideas, Please excuse about, but the forum is a bit slow to search all postings. Just move my post to the fitting position, thx.

Cheers! smiley: smile