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Allow Custom races to use full points as a standard race and MP options

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12 years ago
Nov 25, 2012, 10:11:46 AM
My suggestion is to make custom and standard races have the same points based on there affinity

This would allow you to make "races that are more powerful than standard if you want"

This would allow you to customise your race more "good for making lore races/fun races"

In Multi-Player there should be tick boxes to play with

Standard Races (For Comp Play)

Custom Races Less (Current system)

Custom Races Same (My Suggestion)

All this allows is a player or groups of players to choose what they want to play with and how they want to play.
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12 years ago
Nov 27, 2012, 3:52:49 PM
not sure what you mean, if you strip off bonus/negative items do not all races end with a zero balance?
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12 years ago
Nov 27, 2012, 4:03:47 PM
I don't really see a problem with the current system - they all have a similar balance available. The only difference comes from the Affinity that has been picked being more/less powerful and having other bonuses which is being compensated for. I don't really see any difference with your proposed system?

Please explain what we are missing here as we are perhaps misunderstanding your suggestion.
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12 years ago
Nov 27, 2012, 7:20:32 PM
Custom races have 60 points. The pre-set races are around 73 points.

This should not be changed. Custom races can ALWAYS be made better than the pre-made races as the pre-made races are set based on Lore, and custom races would be made to win. pre-made races NEED the extra points to be comparable to a custom race.
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12 years ago
Nov 28, 2012, 1:12:44 PM
There are a couple of 'must have' negative traits which increase your points total, so they should definitely not increase the number of points available for custom races as this would cause severe imbalance at the present. (At least until all traits are rebalanced)
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12 years ago
Nov 29, 2012, 10:21:25 PM
What I mean was to make them have the same point values

e.g. the standard race has 73 points max, the custom race based of that has 73.

Note: I also said in my post that Multi player should have options to allow point values so both players can agree on what to start with.

E.G there is a box and you can put a number in and any race custom race that has more than those points cant be used and both players agree to this.

e.g. 60-65

I personally would like to be able to set the maximum points with options in multi player to set the accepted points value like above.

this would allow to play with super powerful races or weaker races if you want to

its about giving players OPTIONS on how to play and doesn't force them into different camps
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12 years ago
Nov 30, 2012, 9:31:25 AM
StriderV wrote:
Custom races have 60 points. The pre-set races are around 73 points.

This should not be changed. Custom races can ALWAYS be made better than the pre-made races as the pre-made races are set based on Lore, and custom races would be made to win. pre-made races NEED the extra points to be comparable to a custom race.


In MOO it was much the same, the custom races were always point for point less in value than the preset, but they provide a huge playstyle advantage, with out this kind of system the premade races will NEVER be viable picks (Even now they are too weak, i feel preset should get ~80-85 points)

But i agree, a checkbox to enable custom races to have "bonus points" lets say 15, to constitute that gap, would actually be cool for certain competitive games.
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12 years ago
Dec 4, 2012, 5:36:04 PM
None of you are getting my point the balance is meaningless because its also coming with OPTIONS to play with custom factions at SPECIFIC points values

also only 1 race has 60 points the rest have 65.

the lowest standard races have 73 the highest is 79 (pilgrims)

The point I made was that normally if you make a custom race it should have the same points max as the race its made from.

so e.g custom races using the pilgrims affinity races would have 79 max.


there is options to allow or disallow races

Standard Races Only

Custom Races: Standard Race points

Custom Races: 60-65 pts current system

Custom Races: Set points value e.g. for creating your OWN metagame (e.g. 50 pts or w/e you both agree is fair)

Both players agree to this option

then can only select races that fit the agreed criteria
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12 years ago
Dec 4, 2012, 5:45:18 PM
The point configurations of some races are not a s strong as others, thus the variance.

Custom races are far superior to standard ones even with less points, this is a fact.

Leave the affinity's to decide the point allowance, and keep them less then the standard factions.
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