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Offensive Action: Blockade Trade Route

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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 5:30:48 PM
Bearing in mind that this probably adds a little extra complexity to the game, I was wondering if it might be possible (or even worth bothering...) to add the idea of a trade route blockade: if the trade routes exist along a particular line (e.g. moving along traditional space traffic lanes from planet-to-planet, connecting up those in question), would it be possible to place a fleet at one of the planets along the route and blockade it purely in the economic sense (i.e. no trade ships allowed to proceed), so any science or economic bonuses received are nullified until the fleet either discontinues the blockade or is destroyed.

Allow me an example, if you would:

Trade Route exists between System A and System D, each one in a separate faction (obviously!), with System B and System C both 'stops' along the route (since trade routes would use standard system-to-system transit routes). Enemy Fleet parks at System B and initiates a Blockade. Trade Route exists between the two but provides no resources or bonuses to System A or System D until removed.

Pretty simple, yes? I would add that Blockade would be a non-invasive but aggressive tactic: initiating it would not start an invasion of the System in which it is active, but would be considered an Act of War against the Faction holding that particular system (since it would also block all trade routes to and from that System). Might be a good way for an AI or player to declare hostile intent without actually declaring War - could be a signal that another player thinks you're expanding too much (beyond the messages we all get suggesting as much!), or that you're getting too friendly with a Faction to which the blockading Faction is Hostile.

Furthermore, it'd be an interesting war tactic: imagine three Factions, consisting of you, a Sophon and a Sheredyn faction. The Sheredyn naturally decide to wipe out the Sophon (it is a Supremacy match, after all!), but don't want to attack you and fight a war on both fronts. Any Trade Routes established between you and the Sophon could be blocked by a Sheredyn fleet, thus putting the Sophons at a disadvantage but not carrying a formal declaration of war by the Sheredyn, thus meaning they can hurt you both economically (at the cost of a standing fleet!) but can't capture your planets without risking the same.

Just struck me as a way to perhaps add a little extra intrigue and risk to the game, and maybe a tad more nuance to diplomacy (maybe add a 'Cease your blockade!' request/threat into Diplomacy?). Any thoughts?


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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 5:40:45 PM
When an enemy ship is in system, trade and resources are automatically blocked.

So no worry's.

Also, trade routes directly to the target world, as is why you can't blockade them at range.
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