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A few ideas - ( details will be add )

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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 7:10:59 PM
Hello !

Like Many of Endless players i have my own idea;

Game needs,

-cool music for battles and universe maps

-Ships design look nice but we need to modify them like car modifying.

**It may be something like that ;

*You can do 3d model of weapons,particle drivers etc like modify parts that we can choose it ,buy it then add our unique ship.

*Also we can buy or steal technology from other species to integrate our tech and modify different parts into our ship.It gives unique design to players.

*We can hire scientist,Physicist to our species to find and integrate new techs for our species.

-Need larger map,civizilation maps bigger than space map.Where is endless space ?

-A unknown tech should exist that species jump to another galaxies,stars etc.That will gives more hours to play game and conquer another galaxies,species.

-Species like a few .If you check earth history you may see more nationality than space species.I know difference between them.The point is we need more species OR species have different sub nationality.

For example

Pilgrims Sub's;


Republic of pilgrim

Ancient Pilgrim Travelers



you may add more.

-If you add sub nation's game dynamic will be more fun and diplomatic system will be more complicated which is good for players.

-Heroes should be found more often not barely or you should add like a president,governor to system make a bonus policy.

*If you add like president ,hero's can be found barely but they should unique abilities can change wars or economy for 50-60 turn ( if we presume 1 turn = 1 human year )

*Ship war looks cool at the very begining of game but when we got big ships all magic goes away .War scene looks ridiculous ,Battleships should move .Also where are riders ?we are just watching laser beams and rocket marks.

-If ai will control these battle scenes i know it will going to hard to do programming all ship and their moves but it is not cool right now .If you add raiders to battleships and if hero take the lead of these battleships we can use rider by first person camera and can join war .It will be awesome and being in fight with your raider ...oh damm that idea boiling my blood . ( you may add some dialogue to raiders that we can hear and feel how battle is and our ship crew. (also our species )

-If you do that idea and if our hero was dead ,our fleet can loose morale ,some of ships abandon battle or some of ships can change side.This will effect whole our planet system.

-changing planet surface is a good thing but making new terrain to planet surface should be improved x3-4 times that can gives more bonuses or unstable planet.Maybe it goes that planet system to blows or may effect other system etc.(maybe become supernove or blackhole )

-Event's idea looks cool but need more events for universe species and specific species.Not all species should think expand their territory or want battle for blood lust.There should be race events or changing planet surface to cooler or more warmer than other species. ( time race )

-when battle show up between 2 species 3rd species can join battle's and they should have choice to fight for theirselves,spectate or pick a side and fight against enemy.Also there should be a pop-p if 1 or more species shows up when we are fighting with an enemy.Pop-up should be come from who is watching battles. (neutral species )

*If i fight for you, you should give 1000 dust + x technology

*If i fight for you ,you should give x planet+ 300 dust per turn ( 20 turn )

*If i fight for you, you should give x planet


You may add it to the pirates .we can able to hire them and use them.If we are fighting with pirates against to enemy.Enemy can offer more dust or new ship to their fleet ( to pirates ),pirates can accept it or decline it.That gives more unique battles to player .

Also if pirates accept to join our fleet ,game can turn pirates fleet to one hero who has many different unique powers from our hero's.

or When Pirate accept join our fleet and fight for us after battle pirates ai should calculate our situation ,battleship health,gun etc.If pirates decided to attack they can betray us.They can take treasure or technology from ship remains to integrate their ships.That gives them to level up and more powerful.It may unlocks more cool battles for game.

If we lost all our planets game should give a oppurtinity abondon game or become a pirate . ( 1 heavy battleship ( which will based our main technology when we lost all planets ) 3 medium battleship ,we can start from begining or we may become hired soldier in game between star systems.No planets ,no population growing like civilian ,kill for dust ,if we enough dust and ship power we can offer to buy a small system who want to sell their existence .

Maybe a species who is losing their planets and seeking for help ,they can offer their species leading to us.

A unique histor words for game (if we become a pirate or hired soldier)

A hero who is not fighting for his/her species.Who is the one only from species.( or a few remains )

-For multi player if you change battle system like i say,each player can ride their rider and fight each other.At the back scene their fleets continue to fights.They can pay attention beams rockets which ai using and they should attention enemy player riders move.

Sorry for grammar .

-I will add more details what i have in mind smiley: smile

P.S I hope topic is right place
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 4:33:00 PM
It's hard to comment when there are so many. I'd recommend choosing the ideas that you consider to be the best and make them as separate posts...
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