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Idea Series 4 - If player lose everthing - (being a pirate)

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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 7:01:12 PM
If we lost all our planets game, should give a opportunity abandon game or becoming a pirate . ( 1 heavy battleship ( which will based our main technology when we lost all planets ) 3 medium battleship ,we can start from beginning or Other species can use us as a hired soldier in game between star systems.No planets ,no population growing like civilian ,kill for dust ,if we enough dust and ship power we can offer to buy a small system who want to sell their existence ,planets etc.

Maybe a species who is losing their planets and seeking for help ,they can offer their species leading to us.

A unique history words for game (if we become a pirate or hired soldier)

A hero who is one in all universe from his/her species and fighting for horror/honor/dust/nothing smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 7:02:52 PM
The ability to attempt to escape death with a final fleet would be awesome.

Possibly give this battleship 1 population point for you to use to colonize as well?
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 7:13:23 PM
It may give opportunity to create population to start new planet system but it will be not easy to start from beginning for player .It may become boring and player can decided to abandon game and restart again.If player does it will logical choice because every species will start almost same resources. smiley: smile

there will be no colonize only army and it may be grow from stealing tech,attacking trading routes,stealing dust.Attac to spaceships gathering all small pieces if we got victory from battles.selling or integrating to our fleet..

Main idea not colonize , making virtual colonizing by dust or attacking to planets,fleets. smiley: smile
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