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Idea Series - 3 Multiple Ship Battles with Diplomacy

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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 6:56:11 PM
-when battle show up between 2 species ,3rd species can join battle's and they may choice to fight for themselves , being a spectator or pick a side and fight against enemy.Also there should be a pop-p if 1 or more species shows up when we are fighting with an enemy.Pop-up should be come from who is watching battles. (neutral species )

*If i fight for you, you should give 1000 dust + x technology

*If i fight for you ,you should give x planet+ 300 dust per turn ( 20 turn )

*If i fight for you, you should give x planet


You may add it to the pirates .we can able to hire them and use them.If we are fighting with pirates against to enemy.Enemy can offer more dust or new ship to their fleet ( to pirates ),pirates can accept it or decline it.That gives more unique battles to player .

Also if pirates accept to join our fleet ,game can turn pirates fleet to one hero who has many different unique powers from our hero's.

or When Pirate accept join our fleet and fight for us after battle pirates ai should calculate our situation ,battleship health,gun etc.If pirates decided to attack they can betray us.They can take treasure or technology from ship remains to integrate their ships.That gives them to level up and more powerful.It may unlocks more cool battles for game.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 7:00:45 PM
Supporting allies in a single battle would be tricky even for today's forces.

So I am unsure about that idea.

Hiring pirate forces is something I would like however.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 7:04:28 PM
If know species show up at battles it will like pirates but they will have a choice to join battles for themselves or in that moment they ma become a ally for us or enemy.

Pirates can do similar except they will not have bond from kind.

I don t know maybe a little bit tricky smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 7:05:59 PM
Game play wise you could do it easily, but it might unbalance the fleet sizes thing.

So I am 50/50 on the idea.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 12:54:35 PM
I approve of a allowing a third player to intervene in a battle, be it through a battle card or a 3 way fleet battle (either 1v1v1 or 2v1). It might unbalance things, but it could always be a) an option or b) worked into balance. (Allow attacked player to bring another fleet?) That said, how much sense does it make that player A, who has made enemies of player B and C, is able to hold them off one fleet at a time easily, when their combined forces could win.
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12 years ago
Dec 24, 2012, 11:13:39 AM
A nice addition indeed and another reason to pursue alliances. Dont know how balanced it could be but a nice idea indeed.
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