First let me say that I have played a LOT of games and interacted with a LOT of people. Through my discussions with people I have learned that the true strength of a game comes from 1. Story 2. Combat 3.Visual appeal. Your game has a good visual appeal, but the other 2 are extremely lacking. To be honest I feel like I wasted my money buying this game. I have played it through a few times and I seriously can't get past the very poor style of combat. I am not the type of person to simply gripe about something and not offer a solution. So here goes my suggestions...

1. Camera - open the map up and let people actually move around the map. Sitting in one position and looking at ships flying at each other with a limited camera angle is simple not appealing. People like to have control of their combat not be a witness to a narrow section of it.

2. Allow people to pause/change the speed/or make combat turn based. To issue 3 phase cards and then watch things happen...not fun.

3. Allow people to issue commands to their ships or move them around. Speed is completely pointless in this version since its all ships closing then battle ends. If people could move their ships around a field of battle then their engines would matter.

4.Ship design - very limited. No real racial differences in the overall style/feel of the ships.

I believe this game has a lot of potential, but right now it needs some help. I was hoping for something more along the lines of 'Master of Orion 2' and what I got was an extremely simplified version of it, with all the good qualities removed.