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Hero role enhancements: fleet/system mixing

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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 11:36:25 AM
The current hero roles are very defined: Adventurer, Commander and Pilot have fleet abilities while Administrator and Corporate have system abilities. This is provides a very clear selection choice when acquiring new heroes when all choices are available.

Currently for the first hero of the game the desirability of classes is in the following order: Administrator, Corporate then Pilot/Commander/Adventurer. There is no strategy in hero selection, no good option or build path if an Administrator or Corporate hero is not available. In addition if the only heroes available are a particular type it selecting a fleet hero from a set of administrators can be problematic.

To solve this issue I would suggest some off specialty class skills:

  • Ship Cost Reduction on System(Commander)
  • "Surface Mapping" Increase Strategic Resource Yield on System(Adventurer)
  • "Trade Fleet" Bonus Dust per turn on Fleet(Corporate)
  • "Infrastructure Targeting" Increase invasion strength on fleet(Administrator)

And give multiple classes the same skill:

  • Emergency Preparedness[Administrator](add to Commander)
  • Engine Tuner[Commander](add to Adventurer)
  • Tactician[Pilot](add to Commander)

Note: In regards to an expansion I hope at least 50% more class specific skills are added to the current classes before adding new hero classes.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 3:13:54 PM
Ya and another issue is the administrator one. You get that to level 10+ and you can quick-build entire systems. In a game of mine I have a 3 administrators all level 14+ and they increase all resource outputs of a system 10-fold and even a fully populated system I just captured gets almost 100% happiness with one of the heroes. Although I have fun abusing the mechanic, in a multiplayer game this hands a game-ruining advantage if someone is lucky enough to get their first 3 heroes to have administrator stats. His empire can expand much quicker and he can afford to go into systems that would normally take a higher tech level to have sufficient food and happiness for quick growth.

So ya the administrator role needs a rather large nerf.

Also heroes is a new and fun mechanic and I don't like having to go half the game with only 3, especially when I can afford 20 or more. Its a 4x game so drastically increasing the hero count and usage isn't really a bad thing.
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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 6:22:16 PM
Either that or the other heroes need a large buff?
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