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Missing Technology: XYZ should link to research tree for tech

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12 years ago
Dec 27, 2012, 12:37:33 AM
I think in my title i sum this up really well, I just want to be able to click on the missing tech required for like moon exploration and if i click it to then be brought into the tech tree and have it centered for the research to unlock it. It doesn't make sense for it not to link imo any thoughts or suggestions appreciatted thank you and ive got more just want to see how the community is before i take time to really post a list.

Happy Holidays everyone


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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 6:44:55 PM
I agree with this. The main situation where I want this to come up is when I am checking the anomalies on planets. If I have adaptive colones, but not soil revivification, I want to know if I can reduce that anomaly immediately after I colonize it. Being capable of checking immediately prevents me from having to go into the tech screen and looking up the anomaly from the long indices on both of these technologies flavortexts.
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12 years ago
Dec 29, 2012, 9:46:56 PM
Earthstrike wrote:
I agree with this. The main situation where I want this to come up is when I am checking the anomalies on planets. If I have adaptive colones, but not soil revivification, I want to know if I can reduce that anomaly immediately after I colonize it. Being capable of checking immediately prevents me from having to go into the tech screen and looking up the anomaly from the long indices on both of these technologies flavortexts.

Just to save you some time :P

First tech is used for anomalies that have both positive and negative effects.

Second tech is used for anomalies with only negative effects

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