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Idea Series 5 - trading markets (seperate from planets - neutral zone )

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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 7:29:28 PM
Well, All species not seeking for a battle or conquer to all universe.I know some species explanation has " they are no seeking battles or something similar " but at the end we are fighting.

Trading routes main idea ;

all species should agree to create a space marketing -trading marketing - ( for example at 60th turn ) (or trading markets can exist from beginning )

At trading markets ,

-All species can sell or buy their techs,foods or rent their fleets for a while. (neutral zone-difference is ally or enemy doesn't matter ,but if player want to buy something from his enemy ,enemy stuff price should higher to them )

-All species can sell their slaves when they won battle and capture prisoner from their enemies.

*If enemy buy their man who are prison they can gain bonus approval from their planets.

-All species can inspect (not very detailed ) other species techs,ship .They may have an idea about their enemies.

-Pirates can be hired from there.

-Species can do assassination to their enemy hero's if enemy hero ships there for trading.

*if assassination not succeed and assassian caught at neutral zone ,other species should stop trading (for example 30 turn ) who did assassination.

-Other species can steal techs from there by stealing species space ship or stealing blueprints.reverse enginering can be use for 5-10 turn to learn new techs.
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 8:50:19 PM
Well if someone gave 2 stars for idea,please give your comment that we can improve idea . smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Dec 31, 2012, 10:48:40 PM
I think it can be improved upon:

I think that a single interface would be enough, but items available should be branded as 'free market' or 'black market'. Black-listed items can only be purchased by covert-ops, because for one reason or another they are not legitimate inside the player empire. That would make them more expensive than free market items.

Assassination attempts against enemy heroes, pirate hiring, would be examples of black ops.

Selling /buying food, or loaning/borrowing dust at interest would be white ops.
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