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Attempt to confound AI?

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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 11:26:14 PM
Enjoying the game tremendously but am getting hammered by Pirates or agressive AI overloading my ability to defend their humongous fleets! I have maybe half a dozen ships in my fleet, their invaders seem to have 12/15 or so. In any event I get well and truly thumped, especially early on!

So, I am suggesting the following:-

When Pirates or Faction attack a system and your is fleet already there, or is being sent to engage them, then ALL re-inforcing ships/fleets would have the option of joining together BEFORE an attack. (even if this exceeds command points - they would separate into their various original fleets AFTER the battle to avoid super-fleets being created BEFORE the game normally permits) This circumvents piecemeal arrival and having your fleets, being picked off one by one as they arrive. Perhaps it could be incorporated in the Improved Fleet Management tree choice? In real life, re-inforcements sometimes amass themselves prior to engagement to avoid this scenario, why not mimic real choices then?

Just a thought!
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12 years ago
Jan 1, 2013, 11:30:39 PM
Why would this be a good idea?
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12 years ago
Jan 2, 2013, 3:55:25 AM
It wouldn't, the CP system exists for a reason.

Outproduce them, whittle them down with fleets, manipulate the "Battle Card!" system to ensure you take at least one of them down each battle. Alternatively don't get into a situation where you're outclassed by an AI to that extent :/

If you're just starting to play then the adage "keep playing until the game stops you" doesn't apply, you need to constantly be exposed to the first 100 or so turns of the game again and again so you can refine your actions in those turns and learn the most about the game.
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