1. suggestion

While competing with the other empires, the total number of star systems owned by yourself is crucial. The more systems you have the merrier it regarding your resources etc.

Is it possible to add an overview (like a button or tooltip) were you can see how many star systems the player owns and how many star systems are owned by each of your opponents? Just as a comparison.

For instance, you guys can add it at the star systems overview:

If I am playing a map with e.g. 300 Star systems, it's interesting to obtain that kind of information!

2. suggestion

Assuming that my fleet is defending a star system against 3 hostile fleets within one round/turn. Often, even when my hero has less experience, the hero gains a lot of EP and moves up more than one rank.

Then I get several notifications for the same hero:

Is it possible to summarize that info and not to get several pop-ups? Or just automatically dismiss the first notification if the hero ranks up several times at the same turn?

3. suggestion

The same applies to several other notifications. For instance, if I explore moons in some star systems, since I got that kind of science to make that, I get a lot of pop-ups... that's really annoying.


Is it possible to summarize those notification to? Like the summary a get when several construction contracts finished?

4. suggestion

Often I get a message about my ships involved in fights, e.g. and I've no clue where those fight are. Of course I can stipulate the opponent (by name and color), but it would be more comfortable to have the possibility just to click on the star system name at the upper edge of the notification to reach the correct map position.

Thanks in advance! Fly save!