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Request for features for next patch

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12 years ago
Jan 3, 2013, 2:14:03 PM
Hey guys, after playing several games, I noticed some minor (not so minor, but not gamebreaking either) lack of features.

For example, could we get a message when an outpost becomes a colony or an invaded enemy system finishes "owner" phase? When you have couple systems at start and you're not at war is easy to keep checking when your outposts become colonies, but once you expand or go to war, it becomes a real pain in the back to try to keep track when an outpost will become a colony or an occupied system will be yours.

Another small thing, is it possible to get somehow the information how much DPT ships / fleets cost? So we can plan when we decide to make them what composition to have or how many to make before we go bankrupt smiley: smile Yes it does tell you how much total dust your fleets cost you, but would be nice to get some info on the military screen when we build ships (not sure if the cost is affected by type of modules we use or simply by command points).

That would be all, thank you!
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 4:07:20 AM
Yes please!

And a popup side message like rest of events when an outpost becomes a colony! Am playing a game as Horatio now and having that huge influence, my outposts are literally covered by my borders (yes I do build all influence increase buildings!) so is impossible to see from looking at the map if they are still outposts or colonies smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 7:43:51 AM
YellowSock wrote:
Ability to check upkeep for each individual ship would be really nice.

One Dust per CP. If you want a more inclusive amount, the Income tab will break down how much you're spending in total on ship upkeep. =)
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 8:08:35 AM
Romeo wrote:
One Dust per CP. If you want a more inclusive amount, the Income tab will break down how much you're spending in total on ship upkeep. =)

Bazinga? smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 10:38:26 AM
Well it would still be nice if that info would be available in the military panel when selecting a specific ship / fleet, or when you build stuff smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jan 4, 2013, 6:25:14 PM
It isn't 1 dust per cp. I've heard the upkeep cost is 0.4*max_CP_per_fleet*CP. Even if it isn't, early on each ship costs me two dust in upkeep.
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12 years ago
Jan 5, 2013, 11:49:45 AM
I noticed this as well. If am playing a faction with a jungle start, and I get "lucky" in first couple turns with exploration events and I get another colony ship and 2 scouts or advanced defender, am pretty much toast on dust per turn (sometimes you can't colonize stuff until you research arid / tundra in your constellation, and I am never doing that before first industry and science tech as those make everything else smoother).
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 10:10:48 AM
An option to make random AI factions non-repeatable would be pretty nice.

I'm tired of rolling a Math.random()*10 three times (to determine which factions won't make it) when I want a 8-empires game with non-repeatable factions.

Otherwise, I still remember the HORROR of a 8-empires game with five Cravers (more like boredom, since they were busy killing each other for the whole game, but still).
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 8:16:31 PM
Radioactive_Piranha wrote:
It isn't 1 dust per cp. I've heard the upkeep cost is 0.4*max_CP_per_fleet*CP. Even if it isn't, early on each ship costs me two dust in upkeep.

Check your traits tab then. Ship cost is affected by one of them, (Hence why Horatio ships cost a fortune to maintain). Late-game, the last CP boost also increases fleet cost quite severely. But for 99.9% of situations, one for one.
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12 years ago
Jan 6, 2013, 10:38:34 PM
Would love to be able to select 'Random' for more of the New Game options. Galaxy type, for example (though really, I'd like to be able to choose random for everything).

I also agree with the ask that we be able to choose to have non-repeatable factions.

Love the game - we've been lacking an awesome 4x game for a long time now - this was a great pre-Christmas find for me. Took a week of trying and dying, but just beat my first game on 'Normal'. Now, if you'd make an iOS version so I can play when I'm on the road or relaxing in front of the TV with the family, I'd be completely set. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Jan 7, 2013, 9:47:17 AM
Romeo wrote:
Check your traits tab then. Ship cost is affected by one of them, (Hence why Horatio ships cost a fortune to maintain). Late-game, the last CP boost also increases fleet cost quite severely. But for 99.9% of situations, one for one.

Since Rise of the Automatons it is changed to 0.4*CP max per CP
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