I was playing a game today (Amoeba going for, and just narrowly missing, a weaponless victory) and I managed to bring every other race in the Galaxy together into a single, giant alliance.

What threw me was the lack of an Achievement or a bonus or something for having been the architect of galactic peace (particularly given that this is the goal stated in the Amoeba's opening vid).

I've only been playing for three weeks or so, so maybe galaxy-wide alliances are a dime-a-dozen, but I was kind of disappointed as I felt I had achieved my Civilization's #1 goal, but no one noticed... Felt like a role-playing fail for me.

Would love to see that little gap filled. An achievement is one possibility - another could be implementing civ-specific goals and rewards that provide bonuses (e.g., Amoeba's create a single galactic alliance, all trade-route caps double or something).

Anyhow, my two cents. Lovin' the game.

