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To improve the user interface

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12 years ago
Jan 9, 2013, 5:40:01 PM
I'm going to go straight to the point: the user interface is stylistically fantastic - I love minimalistic designs. However as the game goes on, it becomes a huge annoyance as it is just too small especially when modifying build queues or splitting/merging large numbers of fleets.

Fleet design and construction - As I said earlier fleet merging is a mess, especially if you want multiples of a fleet with, say, 3 ships of class a, 2 of class b and 4 of class c.

In the military view, add a new window for fleet designs, which allows you to add or remove fleet designs, similar to the ship design thing, except instead of selecting components you create a selection of ships up to your current CP cap. Upon modifying a ship that's a part of a fleet design, you are prompted with a window in which you can either select to update or trash fleet designs containing said ship.

In the system view, add a new button for fleets in the development tab. Adding a fleet into the construction queue will result in the production of the ships in said fleet in the fastest possible order. Once completed, the fleet is added to your hangar (as a single item) from which you can deploy it and it will have the name of the fleet design with a designation number. If you cancel the fleet construction, the constructed ships will be added to your hangar normally. If in some cases you wanted to deploy the ships in the fleet in a configuration other than the fleet, ctrl-clicking the fleet in the hangar should unwrap it into individual ships.

Build queue stacks and infinite building - If you're resupplying your fleets for an ongoing war checking your star systems and adding more ships into the queue so they don't run dry is a chore.

If you're adding multiple ships (or fleets) in the production queue one after another, they will automatically form a stack. In addition, ctrl-clicking on an item would pop up an input box where you can specify the number of items to be constructed or just leave it at 0 (or hit a button) to create an infinite queue. Ctrl+click, input the desired number and hit enter - easy.

Just suspend a bar from the queue item denoting the # of items in queue, # of items finished on the next turn and # of turns for the stack to complete.


Reorganizing/adding to the build queue - I'm sure you've had a billion things in the build queue when Planetary Institute research finished and you wanted to instantly upgrade all systems to have it but doing so took ages because you had to drag it up 2 or 3 items at a time from #13 in the queue for seven different star systems or alternatively clearing it and re-adding everything.

Instead of having to do this, add either the option to shift-click an item to add it first in the queue instead of last. Also please add a drag and drop functionality so I can drop improvements anywhere in the queue.

Small queue - self explanatory

"Hiding" improvements - Some improvements you just aren't going to get. Still, they clutter the improvements window.

Please add the functionality to ctrl+click an improvement to move it after the conversion production options and have it grey out. This way I can find upgrades I actually want faster.

Planetary quick-menu

I think this would be a nice addition: Instead of having to go to the planetary view to explore the moon, change the exploitation or whatever, just middle click / ctrl/shift+ click the planet to bring up a radial quick access menu that provides all the functionality needed to improve planets.


Add an option to disable the camera wobble thing in system view, thank you! -Signed: me all of my friends who play the game

Anomaly reduction notifiers

When finishing a research with which you can mitigate planetary anomaly penalties, why not give a popup that lists all the systems with reduceable anomalies on inhabited planets? Also, if a planet doesn't have an exploitation the notifcation blinks. Why not change the anomaly description into a blinking one if you can mitigate it?

Expandable windows - Almost all the windows can be hidden. Why not add the functionality to click on the bottom bar to cycle through hidden/normal/expanded window, the last displaying more of the contents of the window? This would help said fleet managing, production queue reorganizing, overviewing system improvements etc.

Larger fleet list - Same as the expandable windows, just that add the functionality to the fleet lists as well.

Invasion power display - Show the invasion power of a ship in the design window and the tooltip, please.

Research queue display - Please change it into something similar as the system queue, with reorganization capabilities and turn displays for queued items

Moons in galaxy display Add an indicator for planets with moons, please. Example

Those are all for now. Thoughts?
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12 years ago
Jan 10, 2013, 3:29:45 PM
I and many others have suggested these same things months ago with little interest from ES, much of the response is "we cant do that."
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12 years ago
Jan 13, 2013, 11:46:02 AM
totally agree that we need an improved user interface instead of more steam awards.

Well I checked the games2gether polls and in the past there was a game mechanics poll where you could vote for one of three game mechanics:


I think the poll was rediculous, first because the options are not "one to choose from" but "must have" rather sooner than later.

Second I found the result very surprising and disappointing.

How could people vote for rewards instead of hotkeys and an improved queue?!
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