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A few things I have noticed that may improve overall experience.

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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 12:57:50 AM
First off a gros merci for the game, very professional, polished product. A few, ie (3) three items I would like to mention.

1. Hover over military/shipbuild tab in galaxy view shows current fleet cap limit, 5/8/13 etc. This would forgive old farts like myself smiley: embarassementthe poor memory of remembering what we are at and avoid the "I built too many to fit in a fleet" syndrome.

2. All factions should start at peace unless faction trait or traits specify otherwise. System influence ring should be inviolable unless at war or open borders treaty in effect. Canada and the U.S are at peace but we do not cross each others borders with military units without communicating said fact too each other well in advance of said movements. This makes for an effective early block to expansion rush.

3. Some form of tech that allows the creation/building of in system defences, defence satellites, starbase etc. I have seen mods with this partially developed, the actual expence of designing and building I believe has yet to be implemented but their should be no free ride, an empire should have to expend dust and industry to build them and dust to maintain them. Perhaps a token fleet cap could be included with say a starbase or outpost on the line of +1 for trade or outpost, +2 for starbase etc.

Thank you for reading,

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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 3:40:00 AM
Also have a less disruptive combat dialogue. I don't need whatever I'm doing to be minimized for combat or to wait for combat to be over to click through my repetitive tasks. If it is to force an acknowledge of battle results so you don't miss something, then have all battles output to a battle window so I can go through them all at once when they are all done and it has to be clicked as dismissed before the turn will end.

Why not streamline combat so that common tactical card layouts are saved or even defaulted to. It is annoying in a long game with hundreds of little battles to click them thousands of times. So annoying.
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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 11:42:58 PM
There is one thing that i would be glad to see in the game - any kind of notification that a system i have started to invade 20 turns ago has been pacified. Please give it any (and i do mean any...) form of notification when that happens. Hate seeing my fleets idling over a system they have captured some turns ago because i havent noticed them in my mad space blitzkrieg (pardon the comparison) over the universe.
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