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Industry to Approval System Option

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12 years ago
Jan 24, 2013, 3:39:49 PM
How about adding a system improvement of Industry to Approval? IDK how much, is 20 too high?

Add in Industry to Retrofit Ships also as another idea I would like implemented. Have it reduce the cost of retrofitting ships as a function of the systems production.
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12 years ago
Jan 25, 2013, 11:41:07 PM
eqronis wrote:

Add in Industry to Retrofit Ships also as another idea I would like implemented. Have it reduce the cost of retrofitting ships as a function of the systems production.

While I believe updating ships to be rather expensive, especially on the higher levels where dust is much harder to come by (especially in the early middle game), I would disagree about making it too easy.

Linking the cost of retrofitting to the player's total production might make sense, but whether it would be balanced over the whole game is a possible problem. Perhaps some talented individual might produce a mod to find out?
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12 years ago
Jan 26, 2013, 2:09:18 PM
whats the point of industry to approval? approval is only really important because it affects how much of your FIDS you can exploit, hence how much you can produce a turn. turning your production to morale is just reducing your industry to 0 basically for no real gain. Not like your empire can fracture in a civil war smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Jan 26, 2013, 8:34:29 PM
seem like it basically already is in game by lowering your tax rate and then industry into dust to compensate for the lost income.
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12 years ago
Jan 26, 2013, 11:00:39 PM
Nekosama wrote:
seem like it basically already is in game by lowering your tax rate and then industry into dust to compensate for the lost income.

Unless you build every possible improvement in every system, you should be fine without the industry to dust, and still have a relatively low tax rate.

eqronis wrote:
How about adding a system improvement of Industry to Approval?

I doubt anyone would actually use this, it's very easy to get approval and maintain it at a high level already.

There are 3 approval-techs relatively early on in the economy tree, and those compared with juggling the tax rate, should be enough to keep all your systems (and whole empire) on at least grey approval.

If I find myself in a tight spot approval-wise, I just build some industry to dust in some high industry systems, then lower the tax rate by a lot until I finish building the improvements.
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12 years ago
Jan 27, 2013, 2:53:13 PM
Ahielia wrote:
Unless you build every possible improvement in every system, you should be fine without the industry to dust, and still have a relatively low tax rate.

You may need a high tax rate to finance a large war effort, or you may have spendthrifts... there's really too many variables for such a sweeping statement :P
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