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Adaptive defence stats

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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 4:22:52 PM
As we have seen in ES, the tactic of destroyers going all guns and outnumbering enemy fleets is still devastatingly effective till the late game.

Many suggestions have come and gone however I have a new idea that I would like to share with y'all.

Adaptive defenses

So what I propose is that defenses infer a increased % to their effectiveness when they are targeted by more then 1 ship at a time to prevent smaller ships stacking onto fewer larger ships and completely overwhelming their defenses, this way the larger ships can count for more in defensive power when they are shot at by multiple enemy ships, giving them the edge when outnumbered.

So in the spirit of putting a number down: +10% to defenses per additional ship attacking this ship.

That way, when say a cruiser is attacked by a group of 2 destroyers, the cruiser would gain a bonus 10% to its defenses, not much on that scale agreeably.

But how about 1 dreadnaught facing 16 destroyers? thats a 150% bonus to defenses, now giving the larger ships a reason to be feared and be used less you risk this defensive bonus coming into play against you.

Thank you for your time.
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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 9:26:39 PM
I'm not entirely sure this is the best way to fix this balance issue, however it is better than the curent state of affairs. Other possible solution is to add AOE weapons to the game. This way AOE > swarm > Single target damage dreadnaughts > AOE.
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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 10:01:07 PM
Considering the mechanics of the combat, I am not sure that is possible.

However you could have a kind of multi turreted weapon module designed to engage more targets at one time but at the detriment of each turrets actual damage.

You could make a suggestion for that, as a new set of modules or possibly as a module modifier.
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12 years ago
Jan 21, 2013, 3:23:26 AM
Many space games have carriers for sweeping up or distracting the little guys.

Eve online has weapon sizes that have more complicated requirements than space available. Could implement a power rating for hull size and power requirement per module that would prevent small ships from powering a doomsday device, and a damage reduction based on size class difference from weapon of attacker to hull of defender. I guess that wouldn't make sense the way the modules are laid out in this game. Could scale the weapon damage based on the size of the ship using it. Possibly damage reduction as well when shooting larger ships that would have thicker hulls.
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12 years ago
Jan 29, 2013, 2:52:32 PM
1. The devs could add an AOE type weapon, this may or may not be possible based on the game engine.

2. Implement a support module that would allow weapons of specific types to target multiple ships in one round.

3. Add a weapon module or modules for each weapon type that has the same functionality as 2. The difference here is that these are weapon modules and not support modules, and you could mix and match AOE and single target ship damage.
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12 years ago
Jan 30, 2013, 1:25:38 AM
Another way possible fix would be to make bigger groups of ships more vulnerable by making weapons more accurate against them, it'd make some sense in that a big clump of ships can't evade fire very easily.

The stated idea is fine too. It doesn't have to start at 2 ships though, perhaps starting at 4 ships but having a larger buff would be better.
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12 years ago
Jan 30, 2013, 2:03:30 AM
Big clump of ships?

They aren't fighting in a boxing ring, it's SPACE, and s p a c e is really B I G. smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Jan 30, 2013, 11:01:07 PM
jgbaxter wrote:
Big clump of ships?

They aren't fighting in a boxing ring, it's SPACE, and s p a c e is really B I G. smiley: biggrin

Not like the original idea is realistic either :P

I think it'd be better if the bonus didn't start from 2 ships, maybe starts from 4 ships and up? Part of the problem is that destroyers gets a tonnage bonus to weapons, maybe decrease that to 10%?
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