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Several Suggestions

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12 years ago
Feb 10, 2013, 2:21:54 PM

i have several suggestions regarding different aspects of the game, which in my opinion would improve game experience

Galaxy map / Interface

- add a center function to pop-ups

as it is now you alway have to read what system a pop-up refers to and afterwards look for that

system's name in the galaxy map. just add an option to center on the relevant item (fleet/system



- make fleets able to fight more than once a turn based on their size

in my opinion it sucks, that a fleet no matter how big it is, is done fighting after scaring off a single


a solution would be, that fleets would be able to fight each turn until they have fought an equal

number of CP or MP (probably fixed at the fleet's value at the beginning of a turn).

Ship Design

- add a support modul that makes it possible to divide the dmg of one weapon type.

like when you chose this modul for your design, you can for example have two sets of 12 rockets on

your ship that can fire at two different ships instead of one set of 24. this way you could improve the

performance of Dreadnoughts vs Destroyers

some minor notes (many already mentioned in other topic)

- maybe a rebalance of the tonnage bonuses for the ship types

- a buff to kinetics (may switching accuracy of long range and middle range or raising both)

- change of the repair system, hangar bonuses

- addition of some new interesting and easy accessible support moduls (i love alpha centauri for that)

- an option to turn of heroes and/or cards (i know its a major part of the game and horatio

affinity interacts with heroes but the luck involved sometimes frustrates me and therefore i believe one

should be allowed to play without them)

- the galactic warfare techtree is to center heavy, "personal shielding" should be accesible via beam and

kinectics techs, too

have a nice day
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12 years ago
Feb 15, 2013, 2:30:42 AM
ahh, the thread i been looking for...

apologies in advance for the length of this post

first - some nice things to say


i like the multi-tasking the game does (ship movement), even though it messes with me sometimes

automatic ship name increment on modifying ship design = very cool

when a fleet stops moving at another fleet that is invading/blockading it joins in!

no spying or overly detailed ground combat - thank you developers!


this game needs more documentation, but that's forgivable seeing that they want it to keep evolving. i've thought about something i wanted to do, like scrapping improvements more easily, and messed around enough to realize u can click several items then hit 'scrap'. so p-lease forgive if i complain about something that's in the game already and i just haven't discovered it.

steam's 'manual' doesn't work for me, but i found it elsewhere and was disappointed.

steam sux, btw. took several support emails to b able to play in offline mode. and the game doesn't run if i uninstall steam, which i'd prefer.

some annoying things i would prefer as toggled options


magnify text size. on a 40 inch screen, the text looks appropriate for an old school monitor

magnify target area of ships, systems, tax slider, etc. - similar to text size

- instead of having to zoom in every time...

brighter or larger rings around explored moons - never noticed them until i wanted them

dynamic in-system view - moving planets on mouse-over - neat at first then annoying

moving starmap - saw someone mention this - mouse pointer on edge of screen to move

- this gets useless if computer speed is too hi or lo, mebbe a compass to click on?

- i've noticed mac users tend to like grabbing the map and pc users like the mouse/edge

- can we have both the map grab amd compass?

please toggle the 'floating map' feature. when i let go of mouse button, map stops moving!

- this really complicates the targeting (activating?) of ships/systems/sliders


user no-so-friendly items


remembering what we target or where we were (sticky-ness?)

- after moving a colonizer, i check the system, then have to re-target the colonizer

- after addressing item in turn summary (built improvements) i have to re-target the summary and start at the top of the list. cold it remember where i was instead an start there?

- with multiple fleets in combat, after the first fleet dies, a 'continue combat' would b nice

- center the map on the system when combat occurs - mebbe a button on the combat window?

also cnter map on system when it's invaded...

better grammar - 'on improvement' implies a one time fee. 'maintainance' or 'upkeep' or 'per turn' is more accurate.

scrolling text near current dust amount on main map screen - what is that? toggle it off?

- once it read 'low temp hydration' not informative AND hard to read??

ships not moveable? mebbe a message why not? not in fleet? can't attack peaceful faction?

empty all hangars button? an undocumented feature i found is clicking on the hagar column

- title that makes things a little easier, putting inactive ships at top or bottom, but i'd

- like a button that empties all hangars on empire management screen

when scrapping improvements or ship designs, please turn the scrap/delete button into a

- confirm y/n? button for smoother user interface

the row of buttons in top left corner (ships, diplomacy...) - could we make that moveable

- and rotatable so i can move it near the 'end turn'? currently i'm mousing from opposite

- corners of the screen to take a turn and manage everything. mebbe make all windowed

- messages (combat, delete confirmation, etc.) moveable, as long as it remembers where it

- was when it pops up again. mebbe also make the windows re-sizeable?

more multi-tasking? during turn calculations (computer thinking...?) could we mouse over

- the managemnt buttons to recall what we're researching, current dust amount, etc.

currently, when a ship has no movement left it doesn't show up in the 'ready for movement'

- queue, even though we could colonize a planet or give it new orders. could it use

- something else other than remainingMoves!=0 to b put in the queue? like ordersComplete=1?

similarly with systems that have nothing in queue like newly colonized or invaded could

- b put into the turn summary or just bring up the system automatically?

custom system AI. ideally i'd like a list of all improvements that my AI can prioritize

- if the improvement is available to build. also a 'scrap all' for buildings i don't want,

- perhaps with a confirmation for when i take over their mismanaged (heh!) systems

improvements build queue. could we have a toggle switch that adds new improvement to

- bottom OR top of queue?

fleet management. in a stack of many fleets, i'd like to split in different directions

- or leave some behind. mebbe shift+click to highlight several fleets to move them?


other issues


i like the combat cards, but they don't seem to affect combat much, other than ther retreats.

- could we assign a default card that fills in all 3 slots so we don't have to go back and

- forth 3 times. i'd like to see further implementation of these cards, but i find myself

- clicking 'auto' without bothering with cards, just to speed up the game.

new battle card? sacrificial assault (ramming speed!) to do extra damage but gurantees

- self-destruction

graphical combat a little lame. cntrolling combat only allows u to control point of view

- rather than which ships to shoot and with which (and how many) weapons. this is more of a

- comment than complaint/request, i'm ok with combat the way it is. it cuts game time down.

how do we see the affects (effects?) of ship xp? having ship xp seems silly as they don't

- live long enough to gain much xp and they get outdated as tech increases. is there an

- existing-ship upgrade mechanism that might take advantage of an out moded ship with xp?


i'm glad my race picks keep me from getting heroes or interacting with other races as i'm sure this post would b even longer!

oh - PLEASE DO NOT REPOND TO THIS VIA QUOTES this is already way too much text!

thanks, i hope all my commas, are in the right, place(s) - heh
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12 years ago
Feb 25, 2013, 6:14:41 PM
other items...


bluecap mold monopoly keeps popping up even tho i haven't gained or lost any

'ready-for-orders ship-count' was at 2, but there wasn't any. that game crashed, some error about object pointing to set not of the object (paraphrased?). when i restarted, the extra 2 were gone from the count, no further problem. prior to crash, i remember it acted as the 2 existed as i clicked through the list. reminds me of comparing a zero to an oh back in my c language class, and the instructor just pointing and laughing until i saw it. heh.

also - couldn't move a fleet away from opponent's extablish (with influence ring) system and we weren't at war. i saved the game, quit and reloaded - turns out the opponent fleet was attacking me, even though it wasn't showing up on lower right screen as an actionable event. after the reload it worked properly, after i completed the combat.


- would like to mouse over moons (and planets?) to check status/temple effects

- the stats at end of game - can we check those during the game without quitting the game?

curious - what happens if u invade a system with a populated gas giant and u dont have the tech to colonize it?

any 1 play harder than newbie? or use anything other than missiles for weapons?
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