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Use speed as a defense bonus

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12 years ago
Mar 6, 2013, 8:32:39 PM
This is still a bit of a rough idea, but I feel it has merit.

Currently there isn't much point in adding an engine to a ship design except for scouting and perhaps specialized craft (I use them on ships with invasion modules to zip in from the back and invade when the enemy ships have been driven off)

I would like to see them used more often. One way would be to require them on a design to even move,but that could be drastic. It is sort of inferred there is a basic engine on all ship designs and the engine modules are upgrades, but it feels clunky.

Well, to get to the point, a moving target is harder to hit that a non-moving target. A faster moving target is harder still. So how about each engine module level gives a -% modifier accuracy nerf to the enemy? This could especially apply to missiles and perhaps a sliding scale vs type of weapon and distance. Then we can perhaps nerf or get rid of generic speed modifiers in the research tree that seem more like fudges than a solid game mechanic as it would be in the interest of the player to put better engines on their ships.
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12 years ago
Mar 6, 2013, 8:39:15 PM
Brilliant idea i very like it.

But you have to be carefull with an evasion or an decrease to the accuracy -% modifier it would be to easy to make kinetic weapons of the enemy completely useless and they are already to weak.
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12 years ago
Mar 6, 2013, 8:42:19 PM
This had been suggested before I belive, but not much came of it.
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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 12:59:41 AM
well, it would require a rebalance of the system. That ain't easy. Once the horse is out of the barn, etc.
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