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[Suggestion] Buffing "tolerant" trait.

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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 12:34:36 PM
Right now tolerant costs a lot of points and is overall pretty bad because players prefer to colonize better planets first, and tech for these is available early. I think it would be more useful if it also reduced disapproval from planetary type. (-50% at level 1 and -75% at level 2). This way races having this trait would be truly tolerant and could go for colonizing any planet type in the beginning. Plus the trait would keep its usefulness after researching colonization tech.
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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 4:36:16 PM
I really like tolerant and played several games with it, unfortunately for the cost it's not worth the value.

If it also reduced disapproval, to some degree, I'd be back to using it in games.
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12 years ago
Jan 20, 2013, 4:38:52 PM
Indeed, if you can colonize a gas giant on turn 1, they they shouldn't complain when I actually do it.

I feel like tiers 3, 4 and 0 sould be the ones with the buff.

Tier 1: 0

Tier 2: 5

Tier 3: 5

Tier 4: 10

Tier 0: either 15 or also 10 depending on balance.
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12 years ago
Jan 29, 2013, 2:40:45 PM
I support this idea as well. However, I think that the FIDS malus should be restricted to food only in addition to the proposed approval offset.
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12 years ago
Mar 7, 2013, 10:18:40 PM
Instead of posting a new topic about the sowers and tolerant, I am posting here because I feel the information and opinions here are still relevant. I have also read the thread Steph'nie had referred to.

I really like the idea behind the Sowers and their lore but the faction's "unique" trait (tolerant) leaves something to be desired.

The main issue is the expense (in faction points) and technology that tolerant competes against. In short, colonization techs will be researched because they themselves are valuable technology (less with tolerant) and are scattered on the path to new ship designs, terraforming, and negatives to expansion disapproval.

An example are the arid and tundra (t2) planet colonization technologies. They are amongst the first tech available to be researched, only cost 40 science each, and will be researched in relativity short order to access wormholes. At best a sower player could colonize an arid or tundra turn 1. This is compared to races that start with tundra or arid already researched or can tech them in short order (the longest tech time for tundra goes to Horatio at 8 turns). By turn 1, tolerant is diminishing and the only real use is finding an exceptionally good asteroid, gas giant, barron, or lava planet with positive anomalies (like garden of Eden).

Thus taking tolerant is less appealing because of its diminishing returns over the course of the game. Especially when compared to traits that never diminish or become more valuable as the game runs (% bonuses to FIDS, trade lanes, -% to ship/improvement cost).

I feel that some improvement is necessary for tolerant to be a competitive choice and fit in lore wise better. Perhaps each tier of the tech could eliminate the approval hit of a negative anomaly (not the negative to FIDS). The first tier could cover all the anomalies listed under adaptive colonies and the second tier could cover the anomalies listed under soil revivification.

This would indeed make the race more "tolerant" and allow for an advantage that is not easily negated by tech, industry, or hero levels. This would allow the sowers to start early on systems and allow them to be gradually populated without them facing huge approval issues. These systems would be able to provide an edge to the faction because they would have more infrastructure built up to allow for better improvement and ship building. This would also take out some of the luck in finding hospitable worlds and encourage a different style of play.

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