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Habitable Moons/Detailed Planet View

Habitable/Terraformed moon types?
Create Moons? (capture asteroid, or build a moon)
Both 1 and 2?
Same old boring moons?
Detailed Planet View? (city view, factory view, shipyard view, etc.)
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12 years ago
Mar 16, 2013, 9:59:10 PM
Hopefully they add terraformation to the moons. That being said, why not make some moons habitable right off the bat? like Pandora being a moon of Alpha Centauri A in the movie avatar. Or maybe have some kind of bonus to any one of the FIDS, like a arctic moon would boost science, or a volcanic moon would boost industry? Why not have moons have separate anomalies? But for them to be like that, to put in some kind of realism, moons that are would generate -10 approval to no disapproval (i.e. Terran, desert, arid) would only generate on a large planet. The moons that are currently in-game would be for ones that are generated for planets that are lower than that size. Plus, why not have the moons have a different sizes like the planets currently do? But it would be restricted on the size of the planet, like giving an extra 1-2, maybe 3 population points toward the planet (wouldn't want it to be too big so that the moon would replace the actual planet :P). As for space stations and being able to create moons... space stations are already in the game, but they don't do anything. They just appear when the planet is almost at the population cap. But it would be awesome to be able to make space stations that generate bonuses to FIDS, defense, or attack. But for making a moon..........eh, why?
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 12:51:50 AM
Death Star!! Haha. Seriously though, I'de love being able to zoom up on the planets and see shipyards and stuff. Also a short video clip of your soldiers taking over an enemy planet would be great.
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12 years ago
Mar 14, 2013, 12:36:52 AM
I hope that they eventually use some of our ideas here. Perhaps there could be different types of space stations. A certain design for military, science, industry, etc. Each one providing a significant boost of production, etc, on the system.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 3:38:28 PM
I agree with you guys. Space stations would look even more awesome! It would be cool if such stations where visible from the system view (like the Platforms of Ys, for example).
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 4:31:40 AM
lol there were already several threads for space stations as battle cosmetic or even as battle buffs, so I guess it'll happen ? :L
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 4:00:05 AM
Strangely, I have not considered that yet, but I highly agree with you. Space stations would go great with this game! If these were included in battle sequences, it would make them so much more interesting.
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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 2:31:44 AM
How do you make a moon? An asteroid flys by, gets stuck in your gravity well. BOOM moon. Space stations would be a lot better as Igncom1 said

How awesome would like 10 of these look in your solar system

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12 years ago
Mar 13, 2013, 1:56:47 AM
Love the idea of making a moon. Maybe require an asteroid belt in the same system so they are not as much wasted space.

Re: the visual I would really like it so that the mood different for temples at least.
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 4:38:00 AM
Building a moon could perhaps be researched in two stages, one in science, and one in exploration. An option could come up in planet view to start the long process of engineering a moon in orbit. Depending on the industry of the system, I would say it should take about 15-20 turns with around 300 industry. Once created, it should provide significant defense, industry, science, dust and food for the system. I hope the devs read this. Haha
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12 years ago
Mar 10, 2013, 2:11:14 AM
Tainted wrote:
Also the lack of a moon could mean something as well. Such as creating one (or capturing a stray asteroid) to suit the faction's needs and making the current moon improvements become more viable on systems.

Creating a moon would be one of the things that would make me proud of being a Sophon in Endless Space. Building an artificial moon would certainly require a pretty advanced technology, and after it is concluded, it would look nothing like a natural moon; instead, it would look like a huge detailed metal sphere (like a Death Star) to represent the technological capability of the faction that build it.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 6:56:28 PM
Hello, I have no idea as to whether or not people have suggested this idea before, but I think that it could be interesting. I was thinking that perhaps we could have habitable moons orbiting certain planets, such as gas giants. These would be able to provide more living space for colonists, and interesting resources to harvest. Now, I am not at all educated in how these things are implemented into the game, so forgive me if I sound stupid.

The second idea I had was Detailed Planet View. In this, players could have a more detailed view of what is happening on a planet, by clicking on a button on screen, or zooming in once more, when already in planet view. For example, players could view a massive city with colonists walking and flying through streets (Coruscant style), or perhaps viewing a factory or mine on the planets surface to see how their precious resources are harvested. Perhaps one could view a shipyard, or orbital station as well. Anyways, just a few ideas that I imagine are way easier said than done. Any thoughts?

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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 9:21:21 PM
Tainted wrote:

Also the lack of a moon could mean something as well. Such as creating one (or capturing a stray asteroid) to suit the faction's needs and making the current moon improvements become more viable on systems.

That would be a great idea. Especially for systems that have little to no benefit on an empire. Asteroid mining always comes in handy.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 8:58:39 PM
dimatronsdal wrote:
Any addition to the moons would be very great. Anomalies, city lights, ships orbiting, anything really.

I agree. Moons come after initial colonization but before terraform starts up. During the phase of moon exploration, the Devs could make specialization/exploitation on the moons (for Visuals, defense, FIDS, influence,etc.) instead of just exploring them and having some improvements.

Also the lack of a moon could mean something as well. Such as creating one (or capturing a stray asteroid) to suit the faction's needs and making the current moon improvements become more viable on systems.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 7:49:01 PM
Let's hope the devs take look at this thread, maybe it will make them think about adding more details to moons and planets.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 7:46:02 PM
Any addition to the moons would be very great. Anomalies, city lights, ships orbiting, anything really.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 7:43:33 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
But to see infrastructure on a moon would be nice smiley: smile

Indeed. Currently, we can see the massive city lights on planets, but we can't see a single light on moons, even with improvements to add population to it.

About seeing you city and citizens walking on it like dimatronsdal mentioned, it would be a cool adition, but I don't think that the devs want to add it to the game.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 7:41:21 PM
I agree. If we could be more active with our moons, I think it would make running solar systems much more entertaining. Along the lines of what I said about the planetary cameras, it would be nice if we could zoom in on said moons to get a better look at them.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 7:33:57 PM
Infrastructure on moons would be nice.

Maybe exploration events could be added when investigating what a moon may have on it, instead of just nothing or endless temples. Currently, exploration events disappear rather quickly and those that involve heroes and ship are undesirable at such an early stage in the game.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 7:19:04 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
But to see infrastructure on a moon would be nice smiley: smile
One can only agree with such a wise statement.
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12 years ago
Mar 9, 2013, 7:13:48 PM
Yeah, I'm kind of out of the loop when it comes to things that have already been implemented. Thanks! smiley: smile
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