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Three humble suggestions for little changes in system management

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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 11:00:40 AM

first I like to thank you for the great game you created. Although there are a lot of things in which it can be polished to better replay value (validate using a different strategy to victory, more differences between races in tech-trees...) I like the nice balance between simplicity and complexity. It's a very elegant game I think!

I do have three small problems concerning data visualisation and options in the star system management screen.

1. When you hover over the amount of FIDS produced on a single planet, you get a screen a la:

+20 from population

+1 from improvements

+1 from ...

I think it would be more comprehensible if you display, after hovering over the total amount of FIDS produced, the amount of FIDS per pop. Something like:

+2 smiley: food from planet per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

+1 smiley: food from improvements per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

+1 smiley: food from ... per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:


+4 smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

You can easily see the amount of Pop on your left side, and you also see the total amount. In this way, you have a better impression of the value of switching pop between planets and shows the same information you show now, but in a more logical way. Data visualization is a science on it's own smiley: smile

2. When I queue star system improvements, I like to queue a whole lot of them, so I don't have to micromanage each turn. Micromanagement is fun, but sometimes I'm in a war and want to concentrate on something else for a few turns. If a new must-have technology becomes available, I of course want to build that first. Now, when selecting this improvement, it's added to the back of the queue and I have to manually put it in front. It would help me (and other people to, I think) that you can click them right into the front. For example, shift + click = bring improvement to the front of the queue, and ctrl + click on an improvement in the queue brings it to the end.

3. A queue system like the star system improvements would be great for technology. Sometimes I want to change the order or shift priority (damn, I really want better beam-weapons now! Those other things can wait.) and now I have to deselect all planned techs and reselect them.

Thank you for your consideration,

Yours sincerely
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 11:11:04 AM
3. I agree with, 1 I don't really care about that information so I won't comment :P

For 2, do you know that you can just drag the improvements up and down? (Hope that didn't sound rude ;P)
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 11:29:29 AM
I thought you could just drag any system improvement to the position in the queue you wanted it?

Now I have to load the game and make sure..
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 11:36:13 AM
You can drag improvements around in the queue.

For technology, you can shift+click on something that's in the queue to remove it, and do so again to re-add it at the back. That's a way to change the order to move something up (or move other things down, more accurately).
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 11:45:21 AM
Yeah I dont have anything to say for 1, agree with Tridus for 3 and for Number 2: I wonder why so many people ask again and again how to change the que? Okay, it's not obvious - but do they even TRY to change the order? Because that was the way I found a way to change to order by trying diffent ways and -voila- drag-n-drop worked smiley: biggrin (not meant to be offensive/rude)
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 12:26:50 PM
Thank you for your comments, none of them sounded rude smiley: smile

1. If nobody uses the data (I do), it's not so important to change (none of them are, it are only small problems, more nitpicking really, but either you do something good or you don't) but the way the data is displayed at the moment makes no sense. The system I suggest brings home the message in a much more clear way. Now it adds only unnecessary, albeit little, complexity.

2. Drag and drop works for me if the improvement is in the queue. If it's not, I first have to click on it and then manually bring it to the top, indeed with drag and drop. But I sometimes have around 10 things in the queue and the little screen only displays 4 improvements (a resolution problem maybe?). This means I shift only 3 places per screen and I have to scroll 3 times. Shift + click would make that process much more efficient, while it's, I think, not that difficult to implement.

On screen size: if I have have a lot of luxury goods, the display gets clumsy and the scroll bars are quite small. Again, maybe a resolution problem. And I certainly to not favor walls of text in place of the nice images we get now, but I think the GUI could be geared a bit more towards efficiency of data displacement.

3. You can indeed remove techs out of the cue, but I find it clear that the way that the system improvements queue is handled, is superior to that of the tech tree queue.

Again I just want to point to things that could use some polishing. I think the added elegance merits the programming cost, but YMMV.
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 12:57:31 PM
1. I agree with. It's more practical, but just for convenience.

2. Maybe a template that we can use for system development similar to the way we design ships.

3. Kinda/sorta. I'm not sure if your idea would improve the system.
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 4:19:15 PM
Yep, it's good feedback vulpixlb. smiley: smile The other annoying thing with queues is that you have it doing industry to dust/sci conversion, adding something else in puts it below that (which never ends). So you have to rearrange the queue to get anything to ever build.
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 6:00:11 PM
Tridus wrote:
Yep, it's good feedback vulpixlb. smiley: smile The other annoying thing with queues is that you have it doing industry to dust/sci conversion, adding something else in puts it below that (which never ends). So you have to rearrange the queue to get anything to ever build.

^ That! It gets even worse late game. I had a bunch of systems (15?) and I only checked the queue less ones, and later (when I started terraforming everything) I noticed that one system had stockpiled 13 improvements all stuck under ind>dust
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 6:43:46 PM
stasik28 wrote:
^ That! It gets even worse late game. I had a bunch of systems (15?) and I only checked the queue less ones, and later (when I started terraforming everything) I noticed that one system had stockpiled 13 improvements all stuck under ind>dust

Ahaha, so I'm not the only one? lol
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12 years ago
Mar 23, 2013, 9:09:39 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Ahaha, so I'm not the only one? lol

LOL I think we've all been there at one time or other!
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