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Make the April Fools real!

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12 years ago
Apr 2, 2013, 5:08:21 PM
Who doesn't like retro side-scrolling shooters?

It could have some phases as a side-scrolling, and other as a top-scrolling.

Side-scrolling missions are when the player is going from point A to point B, and top-scrolling are bombing missions, such as when liberating a planet or trying to shoot a proton missile down the exhaust port of a capital ship.

Famous top-scrolling: Think Xevious, Slap-Fight, Raiden, etc.

Famous side-scrolling: Zero Wing, R-Type, etc.


While being an April Fools, It would fly.

It could be an episodic game with story releases for each race. The basic game would be released for free with one playable race and a 'prologue' story which shouldn 't be too short, and would give the player access to a good portion of the game's equipment.

Players should be able to equip their ship with different equipment, get bounty by killing enemies, and purchase better equipment and ships.

Episodic releases would unlock playable races.

Like the main game, there should be procedurally-generated levels with galaxies, systems and planets.

The action would happen with the player doing missions travelling on the connections between planets and systems to give control to their faction. Each mission would give the faction more control over that system, until it becomes 'controlled'.

Who's with me?

Give us the retro!
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